The only IEM that I bought within 8K that had removable cable is the Panasonic HJE-900. But it's lack of availability has pushed prices far higher these days.
ASG-1 which is the current FOTM in head-fi is one such IEM which has a removable cable and said to hang out with the best of universals. However, judging by the description of sound as "colder SM3", I really don't think it will fit your tastes.
If you do not care that much for bass, but require a balanced / neutral / analytical presentation, then these would be my suggestions:
1) Etymotic HF2 (or HF3):
Reasonably well built, this series (HF2/3/5) all share the same driver. Etymotic stands for clarity and detail, good treble, great mids, bass lighter in quantity but good in quality. But, Etymotics lack sound stage. Even within the smaller space, the instruments are well separated, so it would never sound congested. The one thing you should be willing to live with is the requirement of deep fit with the tri-flanges. It's a major pain to get used to initially, but gets better with practice. Once done right, you would hear adequate quantity of bass and also get very good isolation.
2) VSonic GR07
There was/is an ongoing clearance sale by some dealers which makes it a reasonable option to consider. When I think of the VSonics, I remember the great comfortable fit I had and then, the bass which was well extended and had quite a nice texture and quantity to it. They have a good set of accessories, a bit more than decent build quality and sound quality as well. They are balanced and can go with all genres of music. Of course, nothing is perfect and there are a couple of issues with them. One would be a little emphasized sibilance region which makes all "sss" or "fff" sung by vocalists razor sharp and harsh to hear. It can be tamed via EQ and "burn in". Though I burnt them in for over 200 hours, sibilance was still present. The second issue may be ear specific. I personally did not find them too involving due to the softer dynamics.
3) Fischer DBA-02 mkII
While DBA-02 original was clearly more like RE0 (I called it RE0 v1.5), the newer MKII is a little tamed down in aggression. It's a much smoother customer, has improved in build quality, easy to wear and fits very nicely, has a very small body and comes with a case and plenty of tips. Of course, it has a flat cable which is not exactly my preference, but I don't mind it too much. With DBA-02, you should expect not so much quantity of bass, but good mids (which were more forward in MK1 and a little backward in MK2) and great treble. Like I remember GR07 for bass, I'd remember DBA-02 for treble. The treble is lean, linear, quick and detailed. The mid range was a bit more aggressive with MK1 and a bit laid back and cold in MK2, but it retains the clarity and details. If you want MK1 (as reviewed by Joker), you can get Brainwavz B2 which is similar. MK2 is a bit costlier at $189 shipped from Musica Acoustics (may be slightly lower elsewhere). I have no chance to compare MK1 and MK2 (but Joker will soon), but I think they are both more similar than different.
4) Hifiman RE-ZERO
OK to deal with 'you know who'? RE-ZERO is balanced, but a tad dry sounding. It does not sound similar to RE0. With RE0, there is bass roll-off and a slight mid-bass hump. RE-ZERO cuts the hump, but has the same quantity of bass. RE-ZERO's mids are more forward and does not suffer from the leanness of RE0's mids (which makes vocals a bit anemic). I actually prefer the treble of RE-ZERO compared to RE0. RE-ZERO has better presentation too. Unfortunately, build quality is not one of the strong suits of Hifiman gear.
Of course, of the ones I've not heard, Sony EX-600 can be considered. It is generous with so many tips, great build quality, removable cables and has most of what makes EX-1000 my favorite IEM. If you can get it from US through someone for $130 or thereabouts, it may actually be the best choice for you.