India gets F1 race for 2009 !!

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Well even if its India the construction workers and designers wont be from here ;)

F1 track construction is totally different thing. All they need is funds and green signal to go. And they can ramp up entire infrastructure in matter of few months. Their teams have done that in past.
^ Its not just a matter of building a racing track ASAP. What about logistical requirements for all the teams and such? I think the track and few other things might be built on time, but I dont think everything will be integrated in time to have a smooth go.

Anyways, I'll be happy if things work out and we have a race in 2009. Who knows we might have a TE meet up and also enjoy the race then :)

EDIT: The guy who has commented against F1 races in India has no idea what he is talking. I would have agreed to at least few things if he had researched what he was talking about. Its a pure laymans comment on a technical issue. And if he thinks development of a city is better if its not related to an event, let him give his suggestions to city dev authorities rather than adding it against an event.
random2 said:
Anyways, I'll be happy if things work out and we have a race in 2009. Who knows we might have a TE meet up and also enjoy the race then :)
Oh yes, I think we should have a GO on the tickets, so that we can all sit together :D !
1. Money is not a zero sum game for the most part. If you use money properly, it produces more. This is called investment.

2. Mr Sen seems like the people who suggest that the moon mission is useless because it isn't directly relevant to ISRO's original stated mission... as usual they miss the forest for the trees.
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