Android India Specific OnePlus Invites - Share &/or Queue Up Here

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Thats why I mostly(60%) claimed the invite into my OPO ac and share the invite code to the buyers.
And also prefer cod (eventhough i already had some bad experiences in COD).
Some of my invites also (7) wasted.
Its really frustrating.[DOUBLEPOST=1421682822][/DOUBLEPOST]Have one invite code to share.
18hrs to expire.
Anyone need invite pl PM me.[DOUBLEPOST=1421684561][/DOUBLEPOST]Shared mine with @karan812
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It has expired due to your carelessness @pepps3484 has shared the invite with you yesterday 8:26PM and you didn't even take the effort to claim it and add the product to your cart, now this is what called as wastage because it has come to you very easily.

Dude i was away and didnt know it expires in few hrs.

Help me with sharing one..will claim it immediately.
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Hate it when I am ready and no invites are available. Just 2 days back, there was flood for invites :|
That's how life works sometimes.
@SaTo, will pass it to you when it comes next time if no one before you in the list is there to claim.
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