India Vs. South Africa 4th ODI

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those who today have voted for india r sure in a loss looking at the current situation.

looks like the TE bank is gonna earn loads of money lost by ppl here.
heh ya looks liek my 40 nickels r in danger.
Man this game is lookin liek a replay of 1st match.....
Just hope the result aint same.
but dont worry.....HARBHAJAN still has to BAT :ohyeah:
Loosers List:D
Bet placed by Amount staked Odds Amount won
Rave 300 8/13 (0.62) 0
Aces170 300 8/13 (0.62) 0
Nikhil 266 8/13 (0.62) 0
magnet 233 8/13 (0.62) 0
Switch 200 8/13 (0.62) 0
Blade_Runner 200 8/13 (0.62) 0
rahul 200 8/13 (0.62) 0
techmaster 190 8/13 (0.62) 0
funkymonkey 150 8/13 (0.62) 0
medpal 75 8/13 (0.62) 0
QuickFire 66 8/13 (0.62) 0
Asky 30 8/13 (0.62) 0
Saiyan 10 8/13 (0.62) 0
vishalk 10 8/13 (0.62) 0

Winners List:
Bet placed by Amount staked Odds Amount won
zhopudey 150 6/5 (1.20) 180
Darthcoder 115 6/5 (1.20) 138
apollyon 84 6/5 (1.20) 100
Hitman 48 6/5 (1.20) 57
SunnyBoi 1 6/5 (1.20) 1


Congratulations to Rave and Aces170 to top the Loosers List by loosing just 300 Nickels:bleh:

And Congratulations to Zhopudey on Winning 180 Nickels!!!!:D:ohyeah:
finally the indians made me bhikari...........i lost all of my money.........wont bet for india pls do lend some
Well...betting is bad...and its pretty hard not to bet...ask me:P
I open the bets...and didnt participate :bleh:
That one loss of 100 Nickels was too much to handle:P

BTW, we are open to suggestions for other betting events with a FIXED OUTCOME.
Like Soccer etc.
Do suggest me events via PM.
XTerminator said:
Comon Rahul,
Do u have less amt of Nickels left??
Those Nickels u have are more than many ppl on TE.
was just kidding buddy ..... anyways i think i will bet again on india ..... can't help it but i can's bet against india :) .....

@ magnet ...... ROFL .....
mera bhi 30 kha liya India ne:(
Man now i'll bet only when SRI LANKA comes back for tests :ohyeah:
@XTerminator ...ya man we shud have bets on SOCCER .
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