@Lord Nemesis Wow that's quite a stretch accusing people of being rape apologists.
No one's being a rape apologist here but it's the constant India bashing without trying to understand the root cause of the problems and generalizing people as morally bankrupt without making an objective assessment that is turning this section into the same pseudo-intellectual India-bashing circlejerk populated by educated illiterates like r/India.
Stop pretending that other countries are perfect and devoid of any moral or socio-economic problems for starters, you didn't even acknowledge the valid points I raised about sexually liberal countries and their own set of problems.
It's just that you're ignorant of their problems by choice because sitting in front of the monitor and browsing livemint, qz, quint, thewire, firstpost and these other media outlets with their own agendas has molded your perception, most of your bigoted posts come across as highly obsessive only of this country's problems, yet you never try to figure out or discuss the root causes that have led it to its current state.
You accuse and discredit obviously biased news channels of being pro-government but then go on and cite sources from media houses headed by people openly affiliated to other political parties as if it's the truth. You constantly bash the government and its various bodies on this forum for being incompetent and falsifying data for a variety of reasons then go and blindly believe data from one that could be equally incompetent, just because it fits your current argument and because you cannot truly comprehend what's actually happening in this country.
It's just your claim that reported cases don't even make less than 1% of the total number of cases that seemed unrealistic and implausible, you actually believe that this is a country with 34,00,000 annual cases of sexual assault ? If that number was indeed true then each metro would at least have 20-30,000 reported cases annually which might have gone noticed by at least one honest and concerned official who would have at least raised an alarm don't you think ?
Yet you take the data at face value of a survey supervised by the Ministry of Health & Welfare lol, let me remind you this ministry is also in charge of carrying out immunization drives yet they allowed the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to carry out illegal clinical trials of vaccines, they are responsible for prevention of vector borne diseases yet more people keep dying of dengue and chikungunya after every monsoon, let's not forget the diabetes epidemic and cardiovascular diseases that this ministry has done nothing to increase the awareness of, health insurance companies are in bed with private hospitals and healthcare costs are skyrocketing but nothing has been done, doctors keep handing out antibiotics like candy and keep getting kickbacks from big pharma for prescribing their expensive meds but none of these points are ever raised by any official but this same incompetent ministry gains instant credibility after supervising a survey including only 79,000 women ? So from just surveying less than 1% of the population of women in this country they arrived at the conclusion that 99% of cases go unreported ?
Sorry I wasn't aware that being highly skeptical of reports posted by a constantly lying government and media makes one a rape apologist.
India is a third world corrupt and impoverished sh*thole no doubt but it has been forced into this state by design that people like you fail to comprehend, in fact it's a slave colony and most people don't even understand how because they've lived in it since birth.
You yourself don't understand that the financial system installed in place is nothing but an elaborate and carefully designed scam, you cannot even begin to comprehend the scale of it all going by the fact that you actually invest in mutual funds (Mutual Funds sahi hai lmao) and stocks, that alone says it all how deeply entrenched and asleep you are because you've been duped into believing in their legitimacy.
Part of the deception is that this prison is so old they don't even need to hide it anymore because the indoctrination is already complete, go look at the logo of AMFI itself, If you go in deep enough and read how it all functions you'll hopefully realize it's all an elaborate pyramid scheme designed to move and concentrate wealth to the top.
Just because something is legitimized by the government doesn't mean it deserves to exist in the first place, have you ever considered the fact that the government itself is a sham or how the stock markets or the current fractional reserve banking debt enslavement system came into being or what bonds, ETF's ,derivatives, etc ACTUALLY are ?
Let's take taxation as an example which you've often defended on this forum, taxation in its present form is theft, end of story.
The governments job is to only rip people off on every single level without providing anything in return while duping people into believing they're on their way to become a superpower while the money gets siphoned off elsewhere, all the while blaming ever increasing costs on inflation, recession, global contagion, current account deficits or some other BS reasons that they can push on the uninformed gullible sheep.
You may or may not understand any of it but people are slowly waking up to the fact that government is not your friend and there is a hidden ruling class which at this point should be quite obvious if only people were put their phones away and stop binge watching garbage or sh*tflix, what do you think the current yellow vest protests are all about ? people are fed up of taxes and the distractions aren't as effective anymore.
Now why would a government body or media outlet report or highlight incorrect information ? If you cannot understand the enslavement tools of the global financial system you sure as hell won't be able to answer that question either. You're so smart after all, go figure it out.
Just stop repeating what you read online without thinking, going by the same media outlets and honest government reports one must also believe that India's GDP was at 8.2% in the last quarter, that Raghuram Rajan is some sort of genius economist outsider who accurately predicted the 2008 sub-prime crisis, that Modi is some illiterate tea seller who rose to the top by magic or by riding the Hindu nationalist wave, that Moody's AAA rating for India means something and that India's ease of doing business rank means anything except for being campaign bullet points for the next general election.