M5.CS manager recorded all that "indian night carnaval" and when he met the Kushagra (i cant call this son of a b**ch Mr.Kushagra) he showed him the video and also did record the conversation with him.
The Kushagra understood what has happened, that video was important for his reputation.
While Moscow Five team was waiting taxi on the grass, 4 muscle guys (not gamers looking) was staying and watching at them. When hotel taxi came, those 4 got in the car and followed M5.CS.
M5 players went to sleep, but the manager was making video and uploading it.
After that he felt asleep too. When guys woke up they understood that cash money was stolen and 8Gb memory stick was ejected from the camera and dissapeared. Nothing else was taken.
Update : M5 was robbed In India
Source : http://tinyurl.com/86yaqsb