Indrani Mukherjee Buried truth


Did anyone watch this. ? What are your views. ? I think Indrani is a very shrewd and she killed sheena herself and still managed to escape out of it . I don't understand in today's time how is it possible when things are cleary laid in front of you still she managed to escape.
Did anyone watch this. ? What are your views. ? I think Indrani is a very shrewd and she killed sheena herself and still managed to escape out of it . I don't understand in today's time how is it possible when things are cleary laid in front of you still she managed to escape.
I have not seen it yet but your comment reminds me of similar case with Aarushi Talwar family case.
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Finish watching this.

I am disappointed about Rakesh Maria not able to crack it and infact part of cover up it seems.

Had lot of respect for him from solving the Bombay blast case.

Anyways coming to the Case...isn't forensic science advanced enough to establish atleast that the body found is that of Sheena and confirm it with evidence.

Defense was able to put even that into questioning if the experts were good enough to do it.

Hadh hai ....5000 years old skull and bones can be mapped to give many information of that person but 3 year old full dead body is difficult to establish.

Big cover up .

About the series though felt bit of a drag could have easily covered points in 2 episodes.

Anyways must watch ....the series tries hard to confuse people .
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I have not seen it yet but your comment reminds me of similar case with Aarushi Talwar family case.

I have not seen it yet but your comment reminds me of similar case with Aarushi Talwar family case.

Finish watching this.

I am disappointed about Rakesh Maria not able to crack it and infact part of cover up it seems.

Had lot of respect for him from solving the Bombay blast case.

Anyways coming to the Case...isn't forensic science advanced enough to establish atleast that the body found is that of Sheena and confirm it with evidence.

Defense was able to put even that into questioning if the experts were good enough to do it.

Hadh hai ....5000 years old skull and bones can be mapped to give many information of that person but 3 year old full dead body is difficult to establish.

Big cover up .

About the series though felt bit of a drag could have easily covered points in 2 episodes.

Anyways must watch ....the series tries hard to confuse people .
I think Indrani is trying herself to clear up her images. But i am sure she is the only one who killed sheena. And by her looks and the way she is talking, It shows she is very cunning woman. And she is getting away with the murder so easily. And this case was so big that it has remained in limelight for so many years. Still she managed to get away with it. It show the how loose is our judicial system.
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I think Indrani is trying herself to clear up her images. But i am sure she is the only one who killed sheena. And by her looks and the way she is talking, It shows she is very cunning woman. And she is getting away with the murder so easily. And this case was so big that it has remained in limelight for so many years. Still she managed to get away with it.
I wonder beside cleaning her name , Netflix also paid her for this too?.

yes this case is made into a joke. Shows incompetency of the whole system to crack one case with so much clues.
I am not sure of the evidence but most experts should have come up with solid evidence by now with so many clues.

The driver , Rahul both are solid ways to get to the conclusion.
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Finished watching the show today. Had read about this case before and now watching this it's both confusing and infuriating at the same time. This evil woman Indrani is a straight up murderer and with the way she speaks through the documentary is further proof of it. Heck, every single person (barring Rahul) comes across as phony/ shady and is hiding some thing or the other. Guess the entire 100% DNA match lead nowhere and all 4 accused now are enjoying their newly found freedom, rolling in wealth & luxury. Entire thing it seems is a huge coverup! Vidhi also sided with Indrani and now leads a lovely SoBo life apparently. Money does it all.

I personally know how it feels to be abandoned by a parent (won't go into details here but I was abandoned by my Father when I was 11 years old and I haven't heard from him ever since for more than 3 decades now). Needless to say it can be devastating and has deep impact on one's character. It's an endless struggle and mind game to deal with abandonment and come to terms with it all the while balancing life and responsibilities. I honestly felt terrible for Mikhail while watching the documentary to begin with but the last half an hour kind of changed that to an extent, still... if what he says in the documentary is true then I do feel awful about the things that happened to him... not to mention he too could have been murdered on the very same night or sent to a cell in a rehab center (all over again)!

One also does feel sad for Rahul... he was probably the only one trying to chase the truth down but don't know what he is doing currently. Imagine losing your SO suddenly, getting a random break-up text and the next thing you know she has vanished from the face of the Earth! Worst still... finding out later that she has been supposedly murdered by her Mother in the most gruesome way! Guess it is kind of pointless now to hope for justice prevailing in this case because of the coverup and money involved. Also, it seems that out of the 200+ witnesses nearly 180+ witnesses are yet to be examined (as per Wiki). A long un-ending trial.

At the end of the documentary when Indrani is straight up asked "Did you MURDER your daughter Sheena" by the interviewer she retorts back by replying "What a stupid question" and then gives a devilish smirk... says it all doesn't it?
Finished watching the show today. Had read about this case before and now watching this it's both confusing and infuriating at the same time. This evil woman Indrani is a straight up murderer and with the way she speaks through the documentary is further proof of it. Heck, every single person (barring Rahul) comes across as phony/ shady and is hiding some thing or the other. Guess the entire 100% DNA match lead nowhere and all 4 accused now are enjoying their newly found freedom, rolling in wealth & luxury. Entire thing it seems is a huge coverup! Vidhi also sided with Indrani and now leads a lovely SoBo life apparently. Money does it all.

I personally know how it feels to be abandoned by a parent (won't go into details here but I was abandoned by my Father when I was 11 years old and I haven't heard from him ever since for more than 3 decades now). Needless to say it can be devastating and has deep impact on one's character. It's an endless struggle and mind game to deal with abandonment and come to terms with it all the while balancing life and responsibilities. I honestly felt terrible for Mikhail while watching the documentary to begin with but the last half an hour kind of changed that to an extent, still... if what he says in the documentary is true then I do feel awful about the things that happened to him... not to mention he too could have been murdered on the very same night or sent to a cell in a rehab center (all over again)!

One also does feel sad for Rahul... he was probably the only one trying to chase the truth down but don't know what he is doing currently. Imagine losing your SO suddenly, getting a random break-up text and the next thing you know she has vanished from the face of the Earth! Worst still... finding out later that she has been supposedly murdered by her Mother in the most gruesome way! Guess it is kind of pointless now to hope for justice prevailing in this case because of the coverup and money involved. Also, it seems that out of the 200+ witnesses nearly 180+ witnesses are yet to be examined (as per Wiki). A long un-ending trial.

At the end of the documentary when Indrani is straight up asked "Did you MURDER your daughter Sheena" by the interviewer she retorts back by replying "What a stupid question" and then gives a devilish smirk... says it all doesn't it?
Exactly.. I also felt for Mikhail. But after that SUV and all. I think he is also hiding something. And why Sanjeev wasn't questioned. There are many things which this documentary left unanswered. And i think Vidhi is a spoilt child. And she sided with her mother because her Mother got good amount of money after divorce and all the foreign properties are registered in her mother's name.
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Exactly.. I also felt for Mikhail. But after that SUV and all. I think he is also hiding something. And why Sanjeev wasn't questioned. There are many things which this documentary left unanswered. And i think Vidhi is a spoilt child. And she sided with her mother because her Mother got good amount of money after divorce and all the foreign properties are registered in her mother's name.

Yes, Indrani apparently got a ton of cash and a swanky apartment after the divorce from Peter. Vidhi earns now and also siding with her Mum assures her financial side. I think as per the Documentary her biological Father's (Peter's) side of the family has cut off ties with her but I also read that she actually works in some magazine run by Peter's brother... LoL! This is one fcuked up family!

About Mikhail: That SUV part and also when the interviewer asked Mikhail why he didn't do anything to try and search for Sheena (almost zero effort from his side even later on) is where I kind of thought he became dumbfounded and went into a shell. Kind of makes you question yourself for feeling bad for him. He mentions he was too young and caring for his Grandparents (who were supposedly ill at that point) but photographs depict a different tale... that of him posing with his spankin' new SUV. I think we all know who paid the money for the SUV... Mommy Dearest.
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Finish watching this.

I am disappointed about Rakesh Maria not able to crack it and infact part of cover up it seems.

Had lot of respect for him from solving the Bombay blast case.

Anyways coming to the Case...isn't forensic science advanced enough to establish atleast that the body found is that of Sheena and confirm it with evidence.

Defense was able to put even that into questioning if the experts were good enough to do it.

Hadh hai ....5000 years old skull and bones can be mapped to give many information of that person but 3 year old full dead body is difficult to establish.

Big cover up .

About the series though felt bit of a drag could have easily covered points in 2 episodes.

Anyways must watch ....the series tries hard to confuse people .
You are misunderstanding almost everything. The case is ongoing. There were given bail because the case has gone on for very long without end in sight hence Supreme Court granted them bail not for lack of evidence. They will be back in jail just that they might die before that day arrives.

DNA evidence has been presented by the court. The defence can say anything especially on TV. The lawyer should be the last person to appear on TV. He is burying his client more than the client herself. His argument regarding DNA was most ridiculous. No sane judge will entertain it for a moment.
And this case was so big that it has remained in limelight for so many years. Still she managed to get away with it. It show the how loose is our judicial system.
Ever heard of the OJ Simpson case in the 90s? That too was in the limelight for a long time. OJ walked because the prosecution did such a terrible job it was considered better to release than convict. Did something similar happen here?
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Ever heard of the OJ Simpson case in the 90s? That too was in the limelight for a long time. OJ walked because the prosecution did such a terrible job it was considered better to release than convict. Did something similar happen here?
Read my reply above you. She is not getting away. She had been in jail without conviction for 6 years so Supreme Court granted bail not because of lack of evidence.

Bail is the norm before conviction not the opposite even if the evidence is very strong.
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Yes, Indrani apparently got a ton of cash and a swanky apartment after the divorce from Peter. Vidhi earns now and also siding with her Mum assures her financial side. I think as per the Documentary her biological Father's (Peter's) side of the family has cut off ties with her but I also read that she actually works in some magazine run by Peter's brother... LoL! This is one fcuked up family!

About Mikhail: That SUV part and also when the interviewer asked Mikhail why he didn't do anything to try and search for Sheena (almost zero effort from his side even later on) is where I kind of thought he became dumbfounded and went into a shell. Kind of makes you question yourself for feeling bad for him. He mentions he was too young and caring for his Grandparents (who were supposedly ill at that point) but photographs depict a different tale... that of him posing with his spankin' new SUV. I think we all know who paid the money for the SUV... Mommy Dearest.
Look The way Netflix has presented this is also well calculated. We have to understand that too.
They are not just going to tell us a straight story. They will cut paste parts of interview to built up a story and then suddenly bring out the real characters.
They are not running a news channel( waise even news people add masala these days)

They will create it like a well planned content to sell.

I can bet Indrani like person is not hard to find in any normal world also who are highly manipulative ...So Sheena she could not control that is why all the fights and issues with her started building up all along.

she was a control freak woman .

for a lady like Indrani it would not have been difficult to keep Mikhail quiet and stop looking for Sheena. First he knows his mother is the boss...he cannot question his mother......second he has already suffered enough both as a child and teenager with 1 year in Mental hospital.

At such young age...getting easy money and a dream car plus a big part of the property back home for himself is enough to just mind your business.

For Vidhi too ...making herself secure was more important than justice for Sheena. She cannot be expected to stand for justice alone when system itself has failed for last 3 years.
Read my reply above you. She is not getting away. She had been in jail without conviction for 6 years so Supreme Court granted bail not because of lack of evidence.

Bail is the norm before conviction not the opposite even if the evidence is very strong.
Clear now because from what I read here and a little online I understood the case was in its final stages. Nothing was said whether a conviction was likely leading one to think the opposite.

So how many here think she will be convicted. Let's have a show of hands :)
Clear now because from what I read here and a little online I understood the case was in its final stages. Nothing was said whether a conviction was likely leading one to think the opposite.

So how many here think she will be convicted. Let's have a show of hands :)
I have no doubt that she will be convicted. This documentary doesn't help her either. Whatever people may say, judge system is better than jury system. Juries are easily manipulated as was shown in the OJ case. Most of the population is not really intelligent to be able to understand when someone as intelligent as the lawyers and defendants/prosecution are manipulating them. Judges deal with them everyday so they are much more likely to see through their manipulation tactics.

Indian judicial system is not as bad as people think just that it takes a really long time which is what makes it bad. I don't blame them either. We have so few courts compared to the number of cases being burdened on them.

Even very powerful people (much more than Indrani in every possible sense) such a Ram Rahim and Asaram have been convicted. So, I still have a lot of hope in our judiciary. Just that they are overburdened.
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