Infamous 2 revealed
In 2009, Sucker Punch Productions released Infamous, a super-powered sandbox game that was a drastic departure from the studio's well-known Sly Cooper franchise. Venturing into new territory paid off for Sucker Punch; the PS3-exclusive Infamous has sold nearly 2 million copies, providing a combination of mobility and electrical powers that makes gamers feel like a true superhero. For Infamous 2, the team hopes to raise the bar even higher. A new look for hero Cole MacGrath is just the first step; a new city, new powers, and a powerful new foe await you in Infamous 2, and you can read all about it our exclusive 10-page story.
After you've satisfied your superhero curiosity, keep flipping those pages to see the issue's line-up of cool features. This month you'll find a column from Irrational Games' Ken Levine, the origins of ClapTrap from Gearbox's hit Borderlands, an interview with Edgar Wright (director of the upcoming movie Scott Pilgrim vs. the World), and a rundown of bizarre glitches that never made it into finished games.
Release date - June 7
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In 2009, Sucker Punch Productions released Infamous, a super-powered sandbox game that was a drastic departure from the studio's well-known Sly Cooper franchise. Venturing into new territory paid off for Sucker Punch; the PS3-exclusive Infamous has sold nearly 2 million copies, providing a combination of mobility and electrical powers that makes gamers feel like a true superhero. For Infamous 2, the team hopes to raise the bar even higher. A new look for hero Cole MacGrath is just the first step; a new city, new powers, and a powerful new foe await you in Infamous 2, and you can read all about it our exclusive 10-page story.
After you've satisfied your superhero curiosity, keep flipping those pages to see the issue's line-up of cool features. This month you'll find a column from Irrational Games' Ken Levine, the origins of ClapTrap from Gearbox's hit Borderlands, an interview with Edgar Wright (director of the upcoming movie Scott Pilgrim vs. the World), and a rundown of bizarre glitches that never made it into finished games.
Release date - June 7
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