Infosys co-founder makes a retarded statement that reservations are required in private sectors also

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What fck is wrong with this country :mad:
Election season, saar :nailbiting:

All kinds of promises are made. Then they get into office and face obstacles. Then they say at least they tried.

next time they will surely do it :D
This shows again that India as a nation will never get rid of corruption. No matter if a 1000 kejriwal is there. Its not India that is corrupt, but Indians.
A successful businessman turned politician tapping into vote bank. Not at all surprising.

Power corrupts. Always.
A successful businessman turned politician tapping into vote bank. Not at all surprising.
Everybody is targeting OBC's as that's all they need to win.

What i find curious here is you guys actually think such an idea is workable. Why is that ?

reservations for college seats is not the same as in private industry. Who's going to police this. how are they going to enforce it if a business says they found no suitable candidates. If it could be done it would have been done already.

Is there a single state to date in the country that has succeded in implementing reservations in the private sector ?
Election season. That's what you expect. Reservation card from Congress and all the other 'secular' parties, whole lot of sops from the regional ones (free rice, free electricity, free TV), BJP with its Ram Mandir stuff, AAP with its promises to bring down corruption...Its like watching a daily soap opera.
These are just publicity catching headlines. He speaks bullshit, people talk about it and he gets free publicity. Best option is Ignore him.
Nandan Nilekani was given a ticket by Congress,
so it falls to reason that Congress is using him to make electoral promises,
thinking that his image may lend credence to their point and have better impact on the Public.
Rather than what he is saying i'm more interested in why he got into'd think he'd have been throughly disillusioned with anything to do with govt given his aadhar project that is currently in limbo.

I want to be a catalyst for change and that is why I have come into politics.
why not with the AAP then instead of congress, hmm..

I want to be an agent of change. Through hardwork and luck I built a great company. I am not in politics for money or anything. I just want to give back to society. I bring honesty, sincerity, dedication and commitment. I represent the new style of politics. If people like us who became successful here, don’t address issues and problems in the system, who will? I need not have done (politics), but I chose to do it. Because I want to bring change (to the system).
What change does he mean. He himself represents a different breed of politician. So that is different. What else ?

I see nothing in that article that speaks about it which otherwise reads like an ad. noticed some ads on youtube about him, again, announcing that he is running.

here's something i picked up from a mani shankar aiyar talk

In the 50-60s, people got into politics beause they wanted to make a difference in a newly independent india
In the 70s-80s, it became a profession
In the 90s, it was beause they wanted to make money
Today its because they want to protect that money.

Read somewhere that nilekani is worth somewhere north of 8.5k crores. Who would not want to protect that.
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Rather than what he is saying i'm more interested in why he got into'd think he'd have been throughly disillusioned with anything to do with govt given his aadhar project that is currently in limbo.

why not with the AAP then instead of congress, hmm..
I know this topic has been beaten to death but aadhar in limbo is the best thing to happen. Its a bullshit program with no end date and shitty execution. To top it off privacy and data laws are not defined. Shri Nilekani has been part of many of the committees who have pushed for Aadhar within their departments. So he is pretty much accustomed to politics and politician. The sole reason he stuck to Congress was, it wasn't AAP who gave him loads of money (and future expenses too via the data collected) via Aadhar implementation.
I know this topic has been beaten to death but aadhar in limbo is the best thing to happen. Its a bullshit program with no end date and shitty execution.
oh you do not have to convince me about this, i was against it after some good people opened my eyes about it on IBF back in 2010.
He is digging his own grave (at least for this election). The only section of electorate willing to vote for him were the people in private sector. The people who have been affected by such policies. There is already discontent with the local workers that their leaders have brought in an outsider.
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