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I download directly to pen-drive not on hard disk, while downloading on notebook. So less read write to notebook hard disk, i guess it better.
Guys , Please do suggest me a good setup.


Download 3-4 torrents at a time

Upload 4-20 torrents at a time

Should work with Linksys WRT54G2 as it is my mana.

Budget : 8k max eyeing FreeAgent GoFlex Home NAS 2TB as suggested earlier. (I do get a 2TB other than the setup na.)


1) What should i do to get the transfers started?

2) Step by Step Procedure to get it

3) Any other good cheaper solution suited for above.
?dOuBtFiRe? said:

Exactly what do I do after purchasing it. Installation guidance.

all the guidance is available here. Varkey and me will help you set it up. incase u so wish to run a readymade setup, i have an image uploaded already with a step by step howto... cutting it short, just get it
?dOuBtFiRe? said:
Thanks man.

Will buy FreeAgent GoFlex Home NAS 2TB from letsbuy and then disturb you.:tongue:
Thanks once again man.
lemme reiterate, go with GOFLEX NET from, additionally you would need a 4gb sandisk usb pen drive and a usb hdd of your choice. you could also go with a goflex slim hdd if u so chose to
^ Well, he can get a GoFlex Home as well. Its only about 7.5k (after coupon on Letsbuy), a 2TB external hard disk is about 5k so effectively he is paying only 2.5k extra and 3.5" drives are cheaper :P

@?dOuBtFiRe? : You may get a GoFlex Home as well, but the setup instructions are slightly different, although there are guides available if you google.
Ok Guys , an update.

Since the Compex Fair 2011 is to start in S'pore in 1 month , my brother will be buying me the Go Flex.

Will find some nice promos and get it to back home.

Just wanted to know

Whether Seagate provide International Warranty on External HDD?

Or Can I look for something else to be brought from Abroad.

I cannot buy the Flex net as suggested by dheeraj as I dont have CC nor Paypal.

@ Varkey,

If everything else fails will go for GoFlex Home as earlier, but I dont understand the nitty gritty of the guide. Will you be able to guide me?

Till then running on WDTV.
I heard BRAD was working on WDTV live HUB 1 TB. If that works it would awesome to have 1 TB HD Ready media player + downloader.
i am looking at Belkin N600 HD or 700 HD

2 USB ports

One usb port datacard

and other usb port external HDD

Dual simultaneous band

5GHz for my FAT+ video streaming

sold off my dockstar
yes works on dd-wrt

but have to buy it

not getting a good deal

Always remember Belkin are very difficult to configure

Not for noobs

which we are not

You will find lot of negative feedback for these from noobs
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