Iniviting All Downloaders (No PC & laptop users)

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i m in need of a 24x7 downloading device, basic requirements are following;

24x7 downloading,

cheapest solution possible,


ease of setup,

no dependency on any other thing (PC, phones, ipods)

can invest upto max of 7 - 7.5k, m taking o!play hd2 as my first preference as it allows 3.5" hdd to be hooked inside it, please provide suggestions
cheapest solution atm is bundling goflex net with a usb hdd. but well setting it up takes patience and diligence. if u willing to spend 7-7.5k then look at the Playon HD too. its priced @8k. I own it for more than a year now and its a great vfm product !!!
The Pink Pogoplug which is similar to the Seagate Dockstar is available from for $39.99. Should be able to get it for about 2.5k to 3k through ICC or similar services.
kanishk619 said:
i m in need of a 24x7 downloading device, basic requirements are following;

24x7 downloading,

cheapest solution possible,


ease of setup,

no dependency on any other thing (PC, phones, ipods)

can invest upto max of 7 - 7.5k, m taking o!play hd2 as my first preference as it allows 3.5" hdd to be hooked inside it, please provide suggestions
Why do you want to invest in anything else ? Asus HD2 has bittorrent support, Just hook 3.5 HDD inside HD2. Use bittorrent software provided with HD2,

If not, download Moservices & Install over firmware, It has tranmission torrent client, Should work like charm.
1. Can anybody give feedback on Asus HD2 torrent performance?
2. How can goflex net be used to d/l torrent? Will One have to use modded firmware OR install transmission on it?
^ You can run a full fledged linux system on the GoFlex Net. Has 128 MB RAM, 1.2 Ghz Processor. Much better than any router based solution in that price range.

You can install pretty much anything you want on it, once you get Debian installed on it and offers much more flexibility etc.
incase u get stuck or something or feeling lazy, thanks to Varkey ofcourse, i have an image ready. with webmin and transmission in there. all u need is a 4gb pen drive and a usb image tool to burn the image. i have the files uploaded to my dropbox.
dheerajjotwani said:
incase u get stuck or something or feeling lazy, thanks to Varkey ofcourse, i have an image ready. with webmin and transmission in there. all u need is a 4gb pen drive and a usb image tool to burn the image. i have the files uploaded to my dropbox.

Awesome :)

Do you mind giving Dropbox link ?
AFAIK there are not many modifications available for the BlackArmor. I would suggest you go for the GoFlex Net or Home. The GoFlex Home seems to be better as it is easily available in India and you can connect 3.5" drives which are cheaper.
http downloads on pink pogoplug possible?

pink pogo plug @Rs.2900 or goflexnet @Rs.3800 which one is better

which one has better hardware (cpu,ram,flash)
considering the difference is just 900 bucks, go for goflex net. pogoplug, owing to its dependancy on pogoplug software, is out of favour with the dev community. goflex on the other hand, is more versatile and expandable.
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