Iniviting All Downloaders (No PC & laptop users)

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DDWRT is more stable when comes to downloading torrents, configuring scripts & even downloading from sites like rapidshare.
Can I connect my Utstarcom UT300R2u BSNL modem to the Asus RT-N13U router???? Will it dial the connection and connect to the broadband??
Also what is the difference between the Asus RT-N13U and Asus RT-N13U B1???
Please help guys. I am planning to buy it asap..
knanda said:
Any modem which supports the dd-wrt and has a usb port for Ext. hard disk??
dissel said:

Asus RT-N13U B1 = 3k (Max)

Asus RT-N16 = 5.6k (Better)

Again this is the answer........ :) :)

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

knanda said:
Can I connect my Utstarcom UT300R2u BSNL modem to the Asus RT-N13U router???? Will it dial the connection and connect to the broadband??

Also what is the difference between the Asus RT-N13U and Asus RT-N13U B1???

Please help guys. I am planning to buy it asap.. can connect any (via WAN port) modem to your RT-N13U and access the broadband. You can configure the RT-N13U as PPPoE Dialar (means here you put the BSNL login info). To do this you put your existing BSNL modem as RFCBridge mode or something like is there WAN configure section.

Though for N13U you get HDD support/NTFS support after you flashing it's FW in DD-WRT only.
Thanks for the info..

Will a 3.5" seagate 500GB(EXt case & adapter) work well with the router or I need to get a Ext hard disk(without power)??
knanda said:
Thanks for the info..

Will a 3.5" seagate 500GB(EXt case & adapter) work well with the router or I need to get a Ext hard disk(without power)??

It work for sure with RT-N13U........but only after successful flashing of DD-WRT.....No need to buy any Ext HDD.

There is a dedicated N13U thread running in this forum in Network Section, you get more info by following that and clear your doubts with experts and owner about N13U.
hey vinayaga... i have run this buffalo with ddwrt earlier... never tried open wrt cause felt ddwrt was stable enough... LOLZ

but thanks for sharing this... i am sure it adds more options for new users !
With the help of Vinayaga's excellent howto, I have installed Openwrt on Buffalo WZR-HP-G300NH. Previously i was using Asus WL-520GU with Oleg's firmware and optware. It is a huge upgrade for me in terms of NAS and download speeds

Thanks to Vinayaga for letting us know about this router and the excellent howto in TE
rusty4ever said:
belkin's latest f/w supports out of the box torrent downloading, I recently switched to ddwrt but haven't got much of time to configure with dd-wrt, sorry for screenshots but here is the details,
With belkin's latest firmware, you can access to play max's hidden interface in the page of the router "//router/bt.stm" or "//router/bt_main.stm".
From his interface you can add directly torrent, stop and run download, and in other words you can use only the this client, without use Vuze...

Does Belkin play Max support http downloading(from sites like fileserve,etc)?
MHG said:
This idea was mine but designed for a friend.
Using a Nokia 5800 XpressMusic with SymTorrent.
Replaced normal BSNL Modem with WiFi Modem and enabled WiFi.
Phone connects through WiFi and downloads :D

Lots of power saving. And 8GB Memory card is capable of handling downloads from morning to night :ohyeah:

i too tried this with more than satisfactory results..............................
I bought a Goflex Net as suggested by @dheerajjotwani, tried to flash uboot using the following guide (Update uBoot on your Dockstar, GoFlex, or Pogoplug NAS). Now, the device won't boot. Checked out @varkey's blog and tried to debug it using serial. But, the output only shows some gibberish (also adjusted baud rate with no success). Is the device recoverable? Any help debugging this is appreciated. Thanks.

here is a ready reckoner you may try.

1. goto Seagate GoFlex

2. enable ssh under security.

3. putty into pogoplug and then update uboot using

cd /tmp


chmod +x


4. set arc number before plugging in the usb drive & also set usbfs to ext3

cd /tmp


chmod +x fw_printenv

ln -s fw_printenv fw_setenv

./fw_setenv arcNumber 3089

./fw_setenv usb_rootfstype ext3

5. plug in usb with gfnrescue.img flashed and reboot.

6. check router page to see if ip resolved. goflex will have a heartbeat orange led.

7. install rescue partition

cd /tmp


chmod +x


8. set this cmd

fw_setenv rescue_bootcmd 'if test $rescue_installed -eq 1; then run rescue_set_bootargs; nand read.e 0x500000 0x100000 0x400000; bootm 0x500000; else run pogo_bootcmd; fi'

9. remove usb and reboot to verify if rescue image installed. username=root pass=root

10. set sata boot in uboot using

fw_setenv sata_boot 'ide reset; mw 0x800000 0 1; ext2load ide 0:1 0x800000 /boot/uImage; if ext2load ide 0:1 0x1100000 /boot/uInitrd; then bootm 0x800000 0x1100000; else bootm 0x800000; fi'

fw_setenv sata_bootcmd 'run usb_set_bootargs; run sata_boot'

fw_setenv bootcmd 'usb start; run force_rescue_bootcmd; run ubifs_bootcmd; run usb_bootcmd; usb stop; run sata_bootcmd; run rescue_bootcmd; run pogo_bootcmd; reset'

11. boot back with usb and enjoy
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@dheerajjotwani Thanks. I had already followed the process till step 3, and rebooted. Now, I can't ssh into it. I've read that I have to change boot sequence using serial comm. Any other way to boot into original pogoplug firmware?

I have already taken a shot at the serial connection, but the serial console output is gibberish.
i didnt manage the serial cable, so didnt go down that road. this reckoner i made, after having sucessfully setup 6 gfnets. @varkey was a big big help in getting the first one though.

coming back to your issue, since you have changed the uboot, you cant go back to original pogoplug anymore. what i would suggest is try booting with a readymade debian boot image i have. the only issue is this will be ext3 and the gfn would be looking for a ext2 root on usb. see if it boots, else can convert the usb disk back to ext2 and boot. the root image is hosted on my dropbox. u can d/l it from and also get usb image tool to burn it on a 4gb pen drive
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