Iniviting All Downloaders (No PC & laptop users)

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As far as using SymTorrent goes, here are the things I noticed:

1) Obviously its stupid keeping the charger always ON. But battery life on full charge when downloading is something like (a rough approximation for all phones) 70-80% of the maximum talk time supported by the battery. This is decent. And for those who have free WiFi at work/college, or go to places like McDonalds to eat, keep your phone in your pocket and download away :D

2) Lots of reads should not affect the flash memory. But Multiple writes on the same place should. And downloading 4GB is like copying that much data into the card. Its pretty normal and lots of people exchange files over bluetooth and use their memory cards as pendrives. This shouldn't kill the card too fast.
devesh38 said:
from where can i buy seagate dockstar in INDIA...?? any similar alternatives available in india...??
It's not available in India, you need to get it from US via Aramex, ICCWorld or similar services. Check, and try the auctions.
I am using Xtreamer Etrayz for download and currently clocking around 100 GB per month..
it works as a NAS at home also has a bit torrent client for downloading facility it can be controlled from anywhere through net..

Isnt N5800 battery going down in 1 night ? I heard it messes up Battery & External Card in phone. I would say dont use mobile phones for download.


Does eaget m880 have any inbuilt software ?

@Digital Vampire

Welcome to "Green Gang", Expecting Jdownloader to do all on Router will be too much to ask for :)


Please post buffalo NAS model details


Prefer known routers, Leoxsys is new company & offering same product but didnt find much users & not sure of service.
24/7 download using mobile is not a good idea..

I use Seagate dockstar for full night download, it's difficult in day time because of frequent power failure. Sometimes it needs manual fsck to correct broken nodes after power failure, that is the only one issue I face.

It was available in some days back. I bought it from bens' outlet through ICC world.
Sheevaplug is another option, but you can consider Asus HDP R1 player, it's capable of downloading torrent.
^ Make the root partition ext3, will solve the need for manual fsck. I have never done a manual fsck in the last 6 or so months and there are frequent power cuts here.
Yes, my root is ext3.

I don't know why it's happening, it's not always, couldn't able to troubleshoot.

I tried with ext2,3 and 4, all got same trouble, I don't know whether I miss something.....

@all :

varkey is the master in dockstar :-)
^ Are you using a flash drive or hard disk for the rootfs? Try a hard disk. When I tried a flashdrive for the rootfs on my GoFlex Net, I had to fsck few times. Flash drives seems more prone to filesystem corruption or something.

I use a 250 GB HDD as my rootfs and download drive, and have three partitions.

Partition 1 : 2 GB - Root Filesystem

Partition 2 : 512 MB - Swap

Partition 3 : Remaining space (ext4) - For downloads
I had used flash, it seems bit slower and replaced with 320GB goflex.

root - 5gb - ext3

swap- 1GB

rest - ext3

Some more R&D/try needed, but not getting much time to spend for :-(
^ Oh, then it should work. My friend is using a GoFlex 500 GB as well and its working perfectly fine for him.

Make sure you have changed the rootfs type to ext3 in uboot environment settings, as well as in the fstab file.
jijojose79 said:
It was available in some days back. I bought it from bens' outlet through ICC world.
Sheevaplug is another option, but you can consider Asus HDP R1 player, it's capable of downloading torrent.

Can you confirm this - you can consider Asus HDP R1 player, it's capable of downloading torrent

Do you know anyone who is doing it ?
DigitalDude said:
The battery and the card will die very soon. The heat will significantly affect the phone's life also. Whatever is saved in power and more will be lost in this way.

Btw I use Asus rt-n16 and an old maxtor 250gb external drive connected to it.
I used my N82 for over an year to download torrents pretty much 24x7. the phone is still alive and kicking and the memory card is sitting in my N8.
dhruvrock2000 said:
I used my N82 for over an year to download torrents pretty much 24x7. the phone is still alive and kicking and the memory card is sitting in my N8.
seriously ? I have heard several cases of battery and cards dying early bcos of using phone as a torrent downloader. even my corsair voyager 16gb that I used with dealxtreme nas went kaput after a few months of 24x7 downloading.

I suspect your nice chemistry match with anything nokia :bleh:

I use my belkin playmax wifi router to download torrent...just purchased it this month. only vuze is being used..will do testing with utorrent and bittorent
DigitalDude said:
seriously ? I have heard several cases of battery and cards dying early bcos of using phone as a torrent downloader. even my corsair voyager 16gb that I used with dealxtreme nas went kaput after a few months of 24x7 downloading.

I suspect your nice chemistry match with anything nokia :bleh:

Lol yeah... Nokia and me go hand in hand i guess :P But seriously yeah... well 4 years down the line , the battery is almost dead but for the kind of use i've got out of it.. Thats to be expected. Phone still rocking and kicking ass in the imaging department still :)
I use my nokia C5-00 as my modem to downloads. Speeds have been decent on the 3g network so kinda never had to abuse the phone too much with 24x7 downloads. Also had used reliance 3g in their buggy days with 3g. So then had 3g speeds of 11mbps with use on pc (that bug gave me UL 3g downloads.)
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