Will any Router that has a USB port and is compatible with dd-wrt work?
My current Router has a USB port and is compatible with dd-wrt.
My current Router has a USB port and is compatible with dd-wrt.
I have HDP R1 but never tried torrent in it as my SG dockstar does the same job very well.@jijojose79
Can you confirm this - you can consider Asus HDP R1 player, it's capable of downloading torrent
Do you know anyone who is doing it ?
sumit.sol said:I use my belkin playmax wifi router to download torrent...just purchased it this month. only vuze is being used..will do testing with utorrent and bittorent
jijojose79 said:@Praks,
I have HDP R1 but never tried torrent in it as my SG dockstar does the same job very well.
I hope, one member named @Praks will help me to do this
see the link
Agree, so what are we missing here ?DigitalDude said:seriously ? I have heard several cases of battery and cards dying early bcos of using phone as a torrent downloader. even my corsair voyager 16gb that I used with dealxtreme nas went kaput after a few months of 24x7 downloading.
Yes, Not getting time now, I will do it on next month :hap5: and will let you know.@jijojose79
lol, Friend has HDP R1 but he is sh*t scared to test anything, so requested you to test mOServices. Could you please do ?
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
root@DD-WRT:/opt/pyload# python pyLoadCore.py -s
Choose your Language / Wähle deine Sprache ([en], de, it, pl, fr, cs, es): en
Welcome to the pyLoad Configuration Assistent.
It will check your system and make a basic setup in order to run pyLoad.
The value in brackets [] always is the default value,
in case you don't want to change it or you are unsure what to choose, just hit enter.
Don't forget: You can always rerun this assistent with --setup or -s parameter, when you start pyLoadCore.
If you have any problems with this assistent hit STRG-C,
to abort and don't let him start with pyLoadCore automatically anymore.
When you are ready for system check, hit enter.
## System Check ##
Python Version: OK
pycurl: OK
sqlite3: OK
pycrypto: OK
py-imaging: missing
tesseract: OK
PyQt4: missing
jinja2: OK
beaker: OK
JS engine: missing
System check finished, hit enter to see your status report.
## Status ##
Features available: container decrypting, ssl connection, Webinterface
Featues missing:
no Captcha Recognition available
Only needed for some hosters and as freeuser.
Gui not available
The Graphical User Interface.
no JavaScript engine found
You will need this for some Click'N'Load links. Install Spidermonkey or ossp-js
You can abort the setup now and fix some dependicies if you want.
Continue with setup? ([y]/n): Y
Do you want to change the config path? Current is /tmp/root/.pyload
If you use pyLoad on a server or the home partition lives on an iternal flash it may be a good idea to change it.
Change config path? (y/[n]): n
Do you want to configure login data and basic settings?
This is recommend for first run.
Make basic setup? ([y]/n): Y
## Basic Setup ##
The following logindata is valid for CLI, GUI and webinterface.
Username [User]: dinjo
Password (again):
Language ([en], de, it, pl, es, cs, fr):
Downloadfolder [Downloads]: /mnt/data
Max parallel downloads [3]:
Use Reconnect? (y/[n]): Y
Reconnect script location [./reconnect.sh]:
Do you want to configure ssl?
Configure ssl? (y/[n]): n
Do you want to configure webinterface?
Configure webinterface? ([y]/n): y
## Webinterface Setup ##
Activate webinterface? ([y]/n): Y
Listen address, if you use or localhost, the webinterface will only accessible locally.
Address []:
Port [8000]:
In some rare cases the builtin server is not working, if you notice problems with the webinterface
change the builtin server to the threaded one here.
Server ([builtin], threaded):
Setup finished successfully.
Hit enter to exit and restart pyLoad
## System Check ##
Python Version: OK
pycurl: OK
sqlite3: OK
pycrypto: OK
py-imaging: OK
tesseract: OK
PyQt4: missing
jinja2: OK
beaker: OK
JS engine: OK
System check finished, hit enter to see your status report.
## Status ##
Features available: container decrypting, ssl connection, automatic captcha decryption, Webinterface, extended Click'N'Load
Continue with setup? ([y]/n): Y
Do you want to change the config path? Current is /opt/pyload
If you use pyLoad on a server or the home partition lives on an iternal flash it may be a good idea to change it.
Change config path? (y/[n]): n
Do you want to configure login data and basic settings?
This is recommend for first run.
Make basic setup? ([y]/n): y
## Basic Setup ##
The following logindata is valid for CLI, GUI and webinterface.
Username [User]: dinjo
Password (again):
Language ([en], de, it, pl, es, cs, fr):
Downloadfolder [Downloads]:
Max parallel downloads [3]: 5
Use Reconnect? (y/[n]):
Do you want to configure ssl?
Configure ssl? (y/[n]): n
Do you want to configure webinterface?
Configure webinterface? ([y]/n):
## Webinterface Setup ##
Activate webinterface? ([y]/n):
Listen address, if you use or localhost, the webinterface will only accessible locally.
Address []:
Port [8000]:
In some rare cases the builtin server is not working, if you notice problems with the webinterface
change the builtin server to the threaded one here.
Server ([builtin], threaded):
Setup finished successfully.
Hit enter to exit and restart pyLoad
root@DD-WRT:/opt/pyload# python /opt/pyload/pyLoadCore.py
01.06.2011 07:59:15 INFO Using home directory: /opt/pyload
01.06.2011 07:59:18 INFO HotFolder loaded, activated False
01.06.2011 07:59:18 INFO ExternalScripts loaded, activated True
01.06.2011 07:59:18 INFO UpdateManager loaded, activated True
01.06.2011 07:59:18 INFO UnRar loaded, activated False
01.06.2011 07:59:18 INFO ClickAndLoad loaded, activated True
01.06.2011 07:59:18 INFO IRCInterface loaded, activated False
01.06.2011 07:59:18 INFO CaptchaTrader loaded, activated True
01.06.2011 07:59:18 INFO Downloadtime: True
01.06.2011 07:59:22 INFO Starting ThriftBackend:
01.06.2011 07:59:30 INFO Free space: 304.61 MiB
01.06.2011 07:59:30 INFO Starting builtin webserver:
Exception in thread Thread-9:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/lib/python2.5/threading.py", line 486, in __bootstrap_inner
File "/opt/pyload/module/web/ServerThread.py", line 56, in run
File "/opt/pyload/module/web/ServerThread.py", line 64, in start_builtin
webinterface.run_simple(host=self.host, port=self.port)
File "/opt/pyload/module/web/webinterface.py", line 107, in run_simple
run(app=web, host=host, port=port, quiet=True)
File "/opt/pyload/module/lib/bottle.py", line 1411, in run
File "/opt/pyload/module/lib/bottle.py", line 1275, in run
srv = make_server(self.host, self.port, handler, **self.options)
File "/opt/lib/python2.5/wsgiref/simple_server.py", line 181, in make_server
server = server_class((host, port), handler_class)
File "/opt/lib/python2.5/SocketServer.py", line 330, in __init__
File "/opt/lib/python2.5/wsgiref/simple_server.py", line 50, in server_bind
File "/opt/lib/python2.5/BaseHTTPServer.py", line 101, in server_bind
File "/opt/lib/python2.5/SocketServer.py", line 341, in server_bind
File "<string>", line 1, in bind
error: (126, 'Cannot assign requested address')
01.06.2011 07:59:33 INFO No Updates for pyLoad
01.06.2011 07:59:33 INFO New version of account|BitshareCom.py : 0.10
01.06.2011 07:59:37 INFO New version of account|FileserveCom.py : 0.11
01.06.2011 07:59:40 INFO New version of account|FilesonicCom.py : 0.30
01.06.2011 07:59:43 INFO New version of account|RapidshareCom.py : 0.20
01.06.2011 07:59:46 INFO New version of account|ShareCx.py : 0.10
01.06.2011 07:59:50 INFO New version of crypter|NCryptIn.py : 1.10
01.06.2011 07:59:54 INFO New version of hook|CaptchaTrader.py : 0.11
01.06.2011 07:59:58 INFO New version of hook|MergeFiles.py : 0.10
01.06.2011 08:00:01 INFO New version of hoster|ArchivTo.py : 0.10
01.06.2011 08:00:05 INFO New version of hoster|BitshareCom.py : 0.10
Address []:
Port [8000]:
Don't bind it to a specific IP, just leave that field empty. And you need to run the python /opt/pyload/pyLoadCore.py as a background process, so that you can close the terminal.01.06.2011 07:59:30 INFO Starting builtin webserver:
@jijojose79 : You cannot change it to ext3 on a running system. You need to remove the hard disk and connect it to another linux system and run the tune2fs -j command from there. And I use Jeff Doozan's script as well, by default as you said it makes the rootfs ext2.
And after running tune2fs, you need to edit the fstab file and make the FS type to ext3. Then in uBoot environment also, there is an option rootfs_type which needs to be changed to ext3.
Eh, Didnt know that, Mobile comes unreachable even sometime while using Normal GPRS to check emails.pratikb said:its because when you download with torrents,your mobile's radio channels are all used up by data and their are no channels for voice.
root@DD-WRT:/opt/pyload# python systemCheck.py
python systemCheck.py
##### System Information #####
('Platform:', 'linux2')
('Operating System:', 'posix')
('Python:', '2.5.6 (r256:88840, May 30 2011, 05:51:51) [GCC 4.1.1]\n')
('pycurl:', 'libcurl/7.21.6 OpenSSL/0.9.7m zlib/1.2.5')
('py-crypto:', '2.1.0')
('OpenSSL:', '0.10')
('image libary:', '1.1.7')
('pyqt:', 'missing')
##### System Status #####
## pyLoadCore ##
No Problems detected, pyLoadCore should work fine.
## pyLoadGui ##
The system check has detected some errors:
GUI won't work without pyqt4 !!
## Webinterface ##
No Problems detected, Webinterface should work fine.
Possible improvements for webinterface:
Install Flup to use FastCGI or optional webservers.
Press Enter to Exit.Traceback (most recent call last):
File "systemCheck.py", line 142, in <module>
input("Press Enter to Exit.")
File "<string>", line 1
python systemCheck.py
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
root@DD-WRT:/opt/pyload# python pyLoadCore.py -s
Choose your Language / Wähle deine Sprache ([en], de, it, pl, fr, cs, es):
Welcome to the pyLoad Configuration Assistent.
It will check your system and make a basic setup in order to run pyLoad.
The value in brackets [] always is the default value,
in case you don't want to change it or you are unsure what to choose, just hit enter.
Don't forget: You can always rerun this assistent with --setup or -s parameter, when you start pyLoadCore.
If you have any problems with this assistent hit STRG-C,
to abort and don't let him start with pyLoadCore automatically anymore.
When you are ready for system check, hit enter.
## System Check ##
Python Version: OK
pycurl: OK
sqlite3: OK
pycrypto: OK
py-imaging: OK
tesseract: OK
PyQt4: missing
jinja2: OK
beaker: OK
JS engine: OK
System check finished, hit enter to see your status report.
## Status ##
Features available: container decrypting, ssl connection, automatic captcha decryption, Webinterface, extended Click'N'Load
Continue with setup? ([y]/n):
Do you want to change the config path? Current is /opt/pyload
If you use pyLoad on a server or the home partition lives on an iternal flash it may be a good idea to change it.
Change config path? (y/[n]):
Do you want to configure login data and basic settings?
This is recommend for first run.
Make basic setup? ([y]/n):
## Basic Setup ##
The following logindata is valid for CLI, GUI and webinterface.
Username [User]: dinjo
Password (again):
In private trackers, SymTorrents is banned(e.g IPT)MHG said:This idea was mine but designed for a friend.
Using a Nokia 5800 XpressMusic with SymTorrent.
Replaced normal BSNL Modem with WiFi Modem and enabled WiFi.
Phone connects through WiFi and downloads
Lots of power saving. And 8GB Memory card is capable of handling downloads from morning to nighthyeah: