CPU/Mobo Intel "Conroe" July 23, AMD Socket F July 11

Will anyone buy X2s now when the Pentium Ds are sooo cheap???

AMD cannot afford too many price cuts anyway, do they? Already their profit margin on dual core chips is so low compared to Intel's...
yes...but it is a situation of too little too late...

With conroe and AM2 just round the corner, most people will wait...but yeah, for those who simply HAVE to buy a Pc now, this is friggin awesome !!!
^^The price cuts are gonna be effected only on the day Conroe is launched, so they aim to sell both Pentium D and Core 2 simllutaneously for some time at least. My only question is why would someone buy a pentium D for say $150 when the cheapest Conroe can be had for $180
hunt3r said:
^^The price cuts are gonna be effected only on the day Conroe is launched, so they aim to sell both Pentium D and Core 2 simllutaneously for some time at least. My only question is why would someone buy a pentium D for say $150 when the cheapest Conroe can be had for $180
Well $30 is afterall $30.
We forget there is huge OEM / Value and corporate market out there. They will save $30 if they dont need conroe even if its way better performer.
Thats where Intel plans to cash in after launch of conroe.
mjp1618 said:
AMD cannot afford too many price cuts anyway, do they? Already their profit margin on dual core chips is so low compared to Intel's...

Just FYI, AMD's gross margins were around 58%. Im sure they can afford a price drop especially with their 90nm process maturing, yields improving. And they are expected to ship proccies from chartered semiconductors this july. That should help a bit too. And AM2 means that their semprons and athlons can be packaged together prolly adding to savings. They havent initiated the price cut because they never needed to till now. They will soon. Till the conroe is released they actually neednt bother. Its only a threat still, not reality.

^^there's no doubt it will be launched, although with a whopping price tag of atleast $1000 to compete with the FX-62, though i doubt whether FX-62 will perform better than the Core 2 Duo EE. for me i would like to choose between similarly priced Pentium D 960 or the E6600 whichever performs better. AMD's reign was short and sweet, but i expect it to come back with a bang (actually, i am praying that it does :eek:hyeah:)
The woodcrest is 3 Ghz 1333Mhz FSB and the EE Conroe from what i read since my last post is called XE6800 and is a 2.93GHz 1066Mhz FSB chip:eek:hyeah: which is priced at $999 and should be avalible from July 23rd:clap:

The reason for the decrese in speed from the originally thought speed of 3.3Ghz in INTEL's words is that "It is enough ;) :D "...... :rofl:

I wonder what AMD guys thought of when they heard that statement:rofl::rofl:
The interesting thing in that is that INTEL can very well push up speeds if its needed and more interesting is that we got an Overclockers dream chip coming our way.:eek:hyeah: :eek:hyeah: :hap2: Wish July 23rd would come soon. I wanna get my hands on that EE chip:

And by the way as i already stated in another post...AMD's answer to Conroe is supposed to be launched in December:( ...though things will be a little more clearer when AMD launches its processor roadmap on 1st June:) ....And Kentsfield has as of now a late January launch date....INTEL's quadcore:eek:hyeah: vs AMD's new dual core:) ....should be an all AMD match don't you think

EDIT the EE is called X6800 not XE
Check it out here ¹q¸£»â°ì HKEPC Hardware - ¥þ´ä No.1 µw¥ó°Q½×°à - ¬ì§Þ°ÊºA - ¦VAMDµo°Ê®£§GŧÀ» Intel DT CPU¤j*°»ù Its in chinese but check out the slide given there...
Hmm yea that sounds about right. They arent launching EE with a 1066 bus right now because they just dont need to, the 2.93 Ghz chip is much faster than anything AMD has to offer anyway. They're probably waiting for a response from AMD and if need be they'll launch a 3.33 Ghz 1333 FSB Conroe i guess. Alternatively it could also mean their yeilds arent goood enough yet.
Badaxe is an average performer, MSI is what most people are using to test Conroe chips, now an ABIT board... can't wait for a motherboard shootout by AT once ASUS and DFI have something to show.
^^ Hmmm so u think that huh??? Did u manage to check early OC results on Conroe?? No V-MOD and it did 2.8-2.9GHz?? I call it very nice when stock is 2.16G :)... and considering that its "Intel Board" already on sale. Agreed With availability everything will go ABIT/ASUS mostly {remember DFI asks us to refine the boards} but I will like to be wrong on this one, you reading this Oskar??
The bad axe is the first heavy weight board from Intel (I agree it's not bad based on the reviews so far), but there's no way it will get close to the big dogs... after all, motherboards are not Intel's core competency, but they are for companies like ASUS, ABIT, DFI, wouldn't you say so? The thing is you have just 1 or 2 early boards to compare it to, nothing more... the competition will hit the roof once you have variants from each manufacturer.