CPU/Mobo Intel Pentium D Model 820 and Pentium 4 670

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Oh yeah !
if u'll keep on waiting then by the time dual cores become cheaper then by that time quadro cores will be released !
Rumours suggest that by the fall of 2007 quadro cores will be available .
hahahaha now by then when we'll be able to a dual then qudro's u'll want ! the wait never ends !~
KingKrool said:
The mach microkernel is (conceptually) one of the mos advanced kernels, due to the fact that itis tiny. Everything is shifted to the "userspace".
GNU/HURD is based on the mach microkernel, and is heavily multithreaded, so shud be able to use a dual core/SMP out of the box.
Mach is probably the only kernel which is still really a microkernel. By def a microkernel is something that has the absolute basic functionality in the kernel space and everything else is a loadable module. Linux started with that philosophy but look where it has reached now :P. Same was the case with the winnt kernel. Its a trend that most os'es that start off as microkernel but end up becoming monolithic after revisions for performance reasons. microkernels are better in the textbook sense since the architecture is cleaner than monolithic kernels.
WOW!!! Chaos and KingKrool ---- You guys are already flying waaay above my head..... Sorry guys, but I did not understand much of what you guys said here..... I know a lot abt Computer hardware and all.... but what you guys are talking just flew over my head..... Sorry...... but good to know that there are such smart people at TE.

@ Daedelus --- Can you give me some links which show "rumours" abt quadro cores by 2007??

Coz' I have not heard of this at all.... but then maybe you have read it on some other site.....

Will be obliged....
Just posted the info darky.

Me too prefer AMD over Intel becoz of its Single S939 which has all its latest killer CPU's on that same socket
nice find hitman ......gone thru' it .... but i think quad core gonna take some time ...... i think at that time dual core will be mainstream processors ....
Thanks Hitman!!!

And I personally don't think Quad cores will be useful unless the present dual core is made more common and more programs and softwares use dual cores..... at the moment, all this is heading in a direction of overkill..... very few apps use dual cores and these fellows are already thinking of quad cores!!!
dude in 1 year dual core will be common ..... lets see the longhorn then u will see y we need a dual core processor and 7800 ......
rahul3111 said:
dude in 1 year dual core will be common ..... lets see the longhorn then u will see y we need a dual core processor and 7800 ......
Hehe Rahul, now you were joking right ? Dual core CPU and a 7800 to run Longhorn ? Even games don't need that kind of raw power...

Whatever it is I don' think Dual core CPUs will ever hit the mainstream... Intel claims that its D series with HT can process 4 threads, fine but I am a bit sceptical about the performance. By then AMD will either upgrade the FX series to Dual cores or cut X2 prices to smash Intel...

Intel have lost so much money with the PrescHOTT and AMD have earned so much with Athlon 64 that I feel Intel will never recover as AMD can keep cutting costs to match Intel...
Don't underestimate Intel.... it is like a sleeping giant.... And you should realise that desktops are not the only place to make money. Intel still has a lead in the server market and the big money is made in the server market. The Xeon and Itanium are hot favourites....

Intel is stioll making money.... and they have nough to come back with a bang.... I just do not understand how you can make a statement like this ---
Anish said:
I feel Intel will never recover

That is 100000 % WRONG
Your are 10000% right Nikhil. But I am talking about a segment called "Gamers" who only look at gaming performance like me and you and I posted w.r.t. that, otherwise c'mon Xeon beats the Opteron anyday. Also the Pentium M is much better than Athlon Mobile (or whatever it is called).

I just posted that Intel has been beaten Black and Blue in Athlon 64 v/s PrescHOTT...
see, my reply was mainly targeted at one comment of yours. That Intel will not recover as they have lost a lot of money.

I wanted to tell you that they are making more money on the Sever market than they are losing on Prescotts. I know coz my cousin is working in Intel. He tells me that the desktop market(in which the GAMERS are included) are only for show and name. The profit margin is very very small there.

But in the server market the margin is big and the company can make HUGE amts of money....
Daedelus said:
Hey guys !~!!~~~~~
For a consumer who lives in india a Pentium D 820 will be preffered over the 3500+ and the P4 630 3.0ghz. Also the p4 630 and 3500+ and Pentium D 820 cost around the same figure. Also i remember checking at anandtech.com or tomshardware.com ( dont seem to remember) that for 15k indian rupees the Pentium D trashes the other two. !!!!!!!!!
Also I've heard Zenith india has also released the dual core pc pentium D for just 45k
SOOOOOOO I'd put my money on the pentium D in terms of its pricing. !!!
Do i make a point ????

All prices mentioned here are in indian rupees. except the $500++ price) :cool2: :rofl: :hap2:
We have Dell pricing a entry level server with Pentium D 820 for 15K!
all u amd fanboys .. well intel has woken up and is now beating amd by a good margin in gaming with its latest offering CONROE .. i know its late news but reading stuff like "intel will never recover" has made me post here.
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