PC Peripherals Intel Quad NIC availability

Can you provide suggestions for which one to get ?

From what I searched online it seems anything i340 (Intel® 82580) or newer should work fine but i340 requires minimum x4 pcie slot. @napstersquest @rsaeon may give more/better suggestions.

I have both Intel's i350 and Broadcom's BCM5719, they were purchased from refurbishing dealers for Rs 5k each. They work well under proxmox, I've not had any issues, I have the quad port versions.

Of the two, I prefer the Intel version because I can get a temperature readout through lm-sensors, which doesn't support the Broadcom one.

There's a lot of talk on reddit and STH that a lot of the i350's are not genuine and so they fail prematurely, which is why I didn't go the ebay route for sourcing them. The refurbishing dealers here often part out rackmount servers to make better profit. The ones I have are either Dell and IBM branded.