[Interest Check] Offline file sharing with nearby people?

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Enclave Plus
Just checking if there would be an audience for a website I am thinking of ..

A site that connects with people (strangers) from and around your neighbourhood , for something like file/book sharing ? I mean I am in south delhi, I am sure there must be a few people from TE within a mere Kilometre of my location, who would gladly like to connect , do file sharing and similar techy things.

There are a couple of issues I am struggling with:
1. Security/Safety/Fraud Protection-
Initially there won't be any verification, the site simply shows where a user says he/she is (something like olx). In such a case security and safety become serious concerns! Especially for girls..

Of course the people can meet at public locations, but then...
2. Precisely how will people share files ? Exchange pen drives ? Mobile to mobile wifi transfer ? USB otg ? Any other ideas please ?

Please do share suggestions. and of course do share if you yourself would use such a website, if one exists ?

So basically a local facebook (group)? Not sure if you'll get visitors. Just a thought.
Yes a local Facebook for sharing files (to start with). Pretty much bang on.
About visitors- A similar concept in another country is running very successfully (though I am sure they don't need to share files). So.. if I can get the implementation right, who knows what happens... Gotta try!

Please share opinions guys..
You're going to be acting as a marketplace for illegal sharing. 99% of the content will be pirated movies, music and mms.
In a country like India with crappy internet services it has a good chance if you can implement the ideas properly. In our local anime delhi group (DAC) we do 2-3 TB of file transfers in a day. :P
As for issues which you mentioned,
1. Mind sharing what exactly is with the security and safety which you are worried of? And if its just "sharing" i don't think that you need to worry about the "fraud" part unless you get lots of virus along with the files. :P
2. External USB3.0 storage media is preferred. Be it harddrive or pendrive. That along with a good PC/laptop or two like an Ultrabook or the PC if you can arrange for it.

Also if you can take a feature out of dating sites where two or more people get matched if they need/want the same thing it will help. Eg. User A wants a file X and User B has the file X. The system will anonymously match the two and ask the two users if they want to connect to each other. This should also be applicale to a group of people who wants similar things. Of course for this you'll need to have a proper catalogue for the products and the users must mention a list of the things which they have/want to share in their profile.
Just some instantaneous thoughts which came to my mind.
Good luck.

What is your profession btw?
You're going to be acting as a marketplace for illegal sharing. 99% of the content will be pirated movies, music and mms.
I know and almost agree, just that it won't be a Marketplace but a platform for sharing. I definitely won't allow openly sharing pirated stuff but yes a lot of the content will still be pirated.[DOUBLEPOST=1457263915][/DOUBLEPOST]
Inour local anime delhi group (DAC) we do 2-3 TB of file transfers in a day.
. Go on please.

External USB3.0 storage media is preferred. Be it harddrive or pendrive. That along with a good PC/laptop or two like an Ultrabook or the PC if you can arrange for it.
I won't be arranging anything except knowledge of someone interested in sharing files with you in your neighborhood, More like OLX - peer to peer.

Ill Reply later..
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what happens if you go with ur macbook and harddisks and other person just snatches it and runs away. lol
Mind sharing what exactly is with the security and safety which you are worried of? And if its just "sharing" i don't think that you need to worry about the "fraud" part unless you get lots of virus along with the files. :p

security/safety - If someone who intends to commit a crime, this can be a platform for an miscreant to do so anonymously ? I have been debating how much of concern that is/ and if any steps that I can take to mitigate.

Fraud: well depending on the way the file sharing takes place fraud can be committed, I think ? Like if someone exchanging pen drives, turns out to be a defective one etc...

Also if you can take a feature out of dating sites where two or more people get matched if they need/want the same thing it will help. Eg. User A wants a file X and User B has the file X. The system will anonymously match the two and ask the two users if they want to connect to each other. This should also be applicale to a group of people who wants similar things. Of course for this you'll need to have a proper catalogue for the products and the users must mention a list of the things which they have/want to share in their profile.

Are you a wizard ;) ?
Seriously I had a very similar plan, not as specific as for sharing files, but for grouping things.

What is your profession btw?
Freelance PHP/JS coder.
I know and almost agree, just that it won't be a Marketplace but a platform for sharing. I definitely won't allow openly sharing pirated stuff but yes a lot of the content will still be pirated
Not difficult to bypass. *cough* Torrents T&C's, user agreements? *cough*
I won't be arranging anything except knowledge of someone interested in sharing files with you in your neighborhood, More like OLX - peer to peer.
Ah i see. I think i understand now.
security/safety - If someone who intends to commit a crime, this can be a platform for an miscreant to do so anonymously ? I have been debating how much of concern that is/ and if any steps that I can take to mitigate.
Not trying to undermine the security nor do I really know about the anonymous criminal activities but I don't think that people will want to freely share their stuff or their identity online. I mean when you think about it, with all the security even facebook isn't free from such people. You can only tell the users that they are responsible for the things which they share online, which was also why i suggested a feature to seek their permission to get in touch. Eg. Facebook's friend request and LinkedIn's messaging. Other added security measures will be good. But then again some despo guys may do their best to come up with an idea.
I'm reminded of something which may help, Ppobox's verification process. :D "upload your adhaar card" for identity proof lmao.
Fraud: well depending on the way the file sharing takes place fraud can be committed, I think ? Like if someone exchanging pen drives, turns out to be a defective one etc...
hence the laptop. If you cannot supply one from your side put up a notice to tell them to carry their own and be alert and take care of their own belongings. If this plan becomes a full-time and you manage to generate a revenue you can send an official from your side to "moderate" the activities and make sure that no user feel insecure. Is it weird?
what happens if you go with ur macbook and harddisks and other person just snatches it and runs away. lol
Then TOI newspaper will carry a news the next day under the headline "One thief lynched." :P
Can work for steam downloads with games sizes reaching 50gb and catalogue can also be created. But as most said pirated stuff will creep in with movies, TV shows and software.
but I don't think that people will want to freely share their stuff or their identity online.
Actually, just watch this:

unknowingly yes.

If this plan becomes a full-time and you manage to generate a revenue you can send an official from your side to "moderate" the activities and make sure that no user feel insecure. Is it weird?
This gave me a great idea. *If* it somehow takes off, instead of moderators there could be safe/verified affiliated shops/meeting spots which keep track of the activities! So instead of meeting strangers you are just going to a shop. There are a lot of details/problems/advantages/disadvantages of this that will need a lot of thought and its pretty much day dreaming right now... but great idea. If it takes off, I'll owe you money ipwnz.

Can work for steam downloads with games sizes reaching 50gb and catalogue can also be created.
Those VR videos are also gonna be in the same range I think....
there could be safe/verified affiliated shops/meeting spots which keep track of the activities!
That has both benefits and problems. If something *illegal* piracy..ahem..takes place, you may get reported and your/their reputation will take a hit and you may even get sued. No one will want to associate with you. Emphasis on "may" because olx and quikr still exist even today. :P
One benefit is you can meet up at coffee shops and other restaurants with dedicated power sockets and enjoy as much as you like. One time our group met in a mall in Noida we were thrown out lol. I reached late so i didn't know but it seemed that the members spent a pretty long time without ordering anything! It was embarrassing. Idiots didn't even want to pay for the sitting charge. :@ another problem was the lack of power sockets. Laptops couldn't even last 2 hrs.
While using phones and other things (which can distract the hang-out or the lively atmosphere) are frowned upon and for good reason you may ask for a separate room for such activity.
If it takes off, I'll owe you money ipwnz.
lol now, now don't you get your hopes up too soon. You are still in planning stage. You dont even know if you will find a market here, not yet.
Which reminds me, the site can generate and assign random username to the users for confidentiality before they can contact each other. If they dont want to reveal each other's personal contact information even if you want to meet perhaps you can create a system for private anonymous conversation. But the system will need something to keep a track on their activities for security purposes. For eg. User A is assigned the name BananaManNinja something (i was suggested this by tumblr when i first signed up lol) and no one but you will know his/her true identity because you'll have had a verified identity proof for the person in the system database. Next time he wants to login, the system will generate another random name. This will sound annoying and cumbersome but it will help in maintaining the confidentiality in a p2p social network imo. More personal info. can be exchanged when they meet for real.
Our ISP has DC++, so all users who have the same ISP in Navi Mumbai can share data at a speed of 100mbps. (Can be even more, I don't know. I don't have a gigabit router)
Our ISP has DC++, so all users who have the same ISP in Navi Mumbai can share data at a speed of 100mbps. (Can be even more, I don't know. I don't have a gigabit router)

Unfortunately it doesnt work over Airtel. If it did, all of Delhi would be connected :)
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