International to Domestic terminal-Mumbai airport

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One of my friend is coming from US bring couple of phones and tablets :). The problem is that she would land at around 2 AM at Mumbai airport and will directly go to Kolkata.
What are the options available to me to collect the gadgets from mumbai airport itself ?
Any suggestions ?
Eh..? :S Meet her at the airport, and get your gadgets, unless you wanted to ask something else.. What difficulty are you having exactly..?
Flight is at 5:00 AM. Couple of hours between landing and boarding. She would be directly going from international terminal to domestic terminal and that will save her from hassles of checking in and baggage transfers.
if she is in transit, she cant meet you as she cant come out of the airport. you are not allowed to go in.

if you want to meet her, she has to collect her baggage at international, come out of the airport and then go to domestic by road.

crazy option is you buy cheapest domestic ticket and meet her in the domestic terminal, then she doesn't need to be come out of intentional and she can take the shuttle transfer between airports. you obviously then exit the airport ( am not sure if this option of exiting airport is easy or difficult or how it works )
Tell the airport authorities that you had a fight and this is your last attempt at setting things right, before she goes off permanently to Kolkata. Our guards watch a lot of Hindi films, they might get the idea. You may even try the Jaane Tu Yaa Jaane Na meow meow trick :D
^^ He doesnt want to get k*** out of the airport.. He is asking for some genuine opinion agantuk bro :)...

3hrs between flights is a lot to travel from international to domestic airport. But if she comes out with her baggage then she has to undergo security checks again at domestic airport, and IMO it takes more time. If you are sure that you can help her in getting things sorted in 2hours (i.e 1hr before her flight time) then you can ask her to meet outside international airport.

You wont be allowed inside the airport without a boarding pass. So that possibility is ruled out here
There is one slightly costly option. Book a ticket for any destination on the domestic, the one which allows for cancellation. Meet her, take the stuff, and then cancel your ticket. It will cost 750 on most airlines. On second thoughts, shipping all that stuff from Kolkata might cost the same, though this is slightly less tension free
^ That article is about fake tickets, I was talking about buying a genuine ticket, and cancelling that one before the flight's departure. That way you get a valid entry, and you get your stuff as well!
You are saying your friend wants to avoid hassle of checking in and baggage claim. In that case you will not get your gadgets anyway (am I missing something here?). I suppose she has to claim baggage to retreive your stuff anyway, so get a cab, go to international airport, pick her up and the gadgets, drop her at the domestic airport.
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