Internet addiction... When do we realize it..?

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i have literally Lost my Life to the Net.It's in Full Control of me.Sometimes feels very depressing & frustrating 2 carry on like this & have NO Life at all..! :( :( :(
On- 24x7x365x......till I die!
Bumping this old but relevant article which still holds true for most of us. So how many of us are still in denial?:P
Me.. :P Very much addicted and very much in denial. I did reduce my online presence for a couple of years, but then I seem to have gone back to my old ways.
External factors have stopped my internet access/ addiction from last May. No downloads at all. No browsing like before since I only have a mobile data connection now. 2G should be banned. Its hellishly slow. All my hdds are half empty. :(
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