Internet in Japan

In Japan etc you get the 100meg speed mostly for local content only. For international content the speeds will be much much less.
If only it was a 24/7-no-download-limit-Unlimited :p If that happens, THEN it'll be cheap. I wouldn't mind paying ~1500-2000 for a PROPER unlimited 2mbps connection though... :(
cyberjunkie said:
If only it was a 24/7-no-download-limit-Unlimited :p If that happens, THEN it'll be cheap. I wouldn't mind paying ~1500-2000 for a PROPER unlimited 2mbps connection though... :(

same here
10 chars
varkey said:
In Japan etc you get the 100meg speed mostly for local content only. For international content the speeds will be much much less.
Yep bcoz most of the data centers are local while for us Indians our data has to go US data centers most of the time.
Yep bcoz most of the data centers are local while for us Indians our data has to go US data centers most of the time.

so when we get these kind of lines (like in a million years :p) the data centers will move to india cause of cheap bandwidth. and so will the local content
Malaysia - 2mbps no limit .. about 22USD, its more than what I need. I guess 2mbps is ideal for most of us (except if you watch live TV).