Guide Intro to Telnet And Hacking

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Well I have written alot of papers on Hacking and now feel the time is right to publish them. This was my first paper i wrote when i got into hacking. And it has been on my computer for a long time but it is being published now. If you find the tools are old you may look for new ones or im me.


Telnet is the basic hacking tool, which every hacker must know how to
use before he can even think about Hacking. It can be used to connect
to remote computers and to run commands by simply typing them in it's
window.Telnet does not use the resources of the client's computer but
uses the resources of the server to which the client has connected.
Basically it is a program that you will be using to connect to your
victim's computer. It just requires that you and your victim are both
conneced to the internet.
How can I connect to a remote computers using telnet?

Telnet can be started by going to start -> run and typing telnet Once
the Telnet windows pops up click on Connect->RemoteSystem then in the
host name type the host i.e. the IP address of the remote computer or
the website you want to connect to . Then in the Port select the port
you want to connect to . You can only connect to ports which are open
on the host computer.Almost always leave the TermType to vt100.We use
vt100 as it is compatible with most monitors . Then click connect and
you will be connected to the remote machine in some time.
The syntax of the telnet command from DOS prompt is
C:\>telnet < or IP> <port>
By default port is taken as 23. Scroll down and read more about ports

What is an IP Address?

Like in this world , everyone has a Home Address so that he can be
contacted on that address , similarly all computers connected to the
Internet are assigned a unique Internet Protocol or IP address which
can be used to contact that particular computer. An IP is simply the
address of a particular computer . Every computer connected to the
internet has a differnet IP address.
An IP address is of the form: .You can find your own
IP by going to start->run and typing winipcfg.If you need to connect
to a your friend's computer then you need the IP address of his
computer . There are many ways of finding out the IP address of a
person's computer without letting him know.
What exactly is a Port

There are two kinds of ports-Physical(HardWare) and Virtual(Software)
You may be thinking of ports to be the slots behind your CPU to which
you connect your Mouse or Keyboard or your monitor. These sockets are
called physical ports . We are here interested in only virtual ports.
It is nothing physical but it is kind of a virtual pipe through which
information can go in and out of the computer. A particular computer
can have a large number of ports. All ports are numbered .Now at each
port a particular service is running. A software which runs on a port
is called service . For interchanging different kinds of information
different ports are used. A typical list shows the various ports

Ping : 7
Systat : 11
Time : 13
NetStat : 15
SSH : 22
Telnet : 23
SMTP : 25
Whois : 43
Finger : 79
HTTP : 80
POP : 110

You can connect to a remote computer at a particular port. When you are
connected to that port then you can interchange information related to
that particular port only. Ports can be open or closed. If a particular
port of a computer is closed then you can not connect to that computer
on that port. Generally most of the computers have atleast 5 or 6 ports

Whats a Daemon?

A daemon is a program that runs at ports. You can consider it to be a
software that manages the flow of information through the port . All
the ports can have different daemon / services running on them

Port Scanning??

It is the first step in finding a hackable server running a daemon.
Like softwares can have bugs , similarly daemons can have a hole
or a vulnerability .A hacker can utilize this hole for his purpose.
Say you want to hack into someone's server , what do you do ? You
need the IP address of the computer you want to connect to . This
is the first basic step . Once you have the IP , you need to know
which port is open so that you can connect to it . Every port may
not be open so you need to find out a list of open ports which are
running a daemon.Once you have the list of open ports on the victims
computer then you can connect to any one of those ports .For this
purpose we have port scanners. You just need to feed the IP address
into the port scanner and it will give you the list of all the open
ports of that IP.Some port scanners,alongwith the list of open ports
also gives the service running on each port and its vulnerabilities.
Once you have got the list of open ports then connect to each of them
one by one and see what daemon or service they are running.

But one thing you need to be careful about before port scanning is
that most port scanners are very easily detected and can easily be
traced and you have no excuse if you are caught doing a port scan.
It a sure sign of Hacker Activity and if the host is running the
right kind of Sniffer software maybe Etherpeek then the Port scan
can be easily detected and the IP of the user logged . Once your
IP is logged then you can be easily traced thru you internet
service provider, so be careful with port scanning.

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Yep, its a good post, nevertheless!

Here's the best port scanner on the planet. It is a very powerful tool if used for destructive purposes! Take care while using it!
Nmap ("Network Mapper") is a free open source utility for network exploration or security auditing. It was designed to rapidly scan large networks, although it works fine against single hosts. Nmap uses raw IP packets in novel ways to determine what hosts are available on the network, what services (application name and version) those hosts are offering, what operating systems (and OS versions) they are running, what type of packet filters/firewalls are in use, and dozens of other characteristics. Nmap runs on most types of computers and both console and graphical versions are available. Nmap is free software, available with full source code under the terms of the GNU GPL.

HomePage: []Click Here[/rank]
License: Freeware
Download: []Click here to go to the download page[/rank] Be sure to scroll down to the Windows version download! Follow the instructions there and you are done!
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ThunderBolt said:
i wish they had a gui frontend which works on win98. Command line is too cumbersome to me :(

They do have a GUI FrontEnd called "NMapFE" (Something along those lines)
Also, the d/l page I posted earlier has some info on it!
Then, there's a project underway called "NMapNT" which unfortunately doesn't work with RAS connections (Like Dial-up, for instance) :(
i happen to use nmap for windows,theyve come out with a gui ,but i still prefer the command line ....whats the point in just clikcing a button ans then - "ho,u have succesfully done blah balh' ...thats for script kiddies.
bosky101 said:
i happen to use nmap for windows,theyve come out with a gui ,but i still prefer the command line ....whats the point in just clikcing a button ans then - "ho,u have succesfully done blah balh' ...thats for script kiddies.

Yep. I have to agree with you! Me too using the command line version! :hap2:
Hey this is neat. But tell me, if I'm running a software firewall and do a port scan on a remote computer, can the port scan still be traced back to me through my soft' firewall?
hellfire said:
Hey this is neat. But tell me, if I'm running a software firewall and do a port scan on a remote computer, can the port scan still be traced back to me through my soft' firewall?

First of all, if the remote computer has a firewall installed, then it will fend off your port scan!
And yes, then port scan can be backtraced to you, even if you are running a firewall. All that a firewall does is block/intercept unwanted data packets from entering your PC, it does not allow you to mask/hide your IP!

If you use a proxy for port scanning, then its a completely different story altogether! :ohyeah:
techmaster said:
hey i scanned a few ip's using nmap but then i do not know like wat to do after getting the port info.

You could hack into the comp having that IP. You could use the open ports for entry! You could play with his comp, steal data, pull off stunts, other fun stuff! But, I won't tell you how to do that! I don't what TE to be sued or banned by the host!
That's illegal territory! In fact, port scanning in S. Africa is illegal! Any company with a good firewall could track you back, and with the help of a good lawyer, sue you! And guess what, they have much more chances of winning than you!
Also, I suppose you love the comforts your home??!! Don't you!? :ohyeah:
i can recommend some very good tools for the same. the only problem is they are underground sites and i dont want them to be here. they are a big part of the anathema group. you could im me or private messaeg me for the same.
Well the use for nmap is to see what services are running on a particular system. There exist exploits for several known services. nmap also gives you OS info, so it is as simple as going to the bugtraq archives, looking up the exploit for a service on the particular operating system, and firing it up :)

This information is for educational purposes, and Inzider holds no responsibility for any damages that may be caused as a result of the use of this information. :)

was wondering when ud post :) ...
PS: inzi over here is a true networking 'n security whiz,infact he was part of a team that organizes security contests and challenges!

This information was for socializing purposes,and bosky will hold responsilibity for any over flooding in inzi's PM inbox ,caused as a result of this information :P
nmap shows me ports that are open and that are filtered.what does filtered mean ? also there are 2 types of ports TCP and UDP can someone give more information on that.
@techmaster -

Closed port

When you portscan a system, and you are scanning a port which is closed, you're port scanner is sent a packet indicating just that, i.e "This port is closed"

Filtered port

Filtered ports do not respond to a portscan at all. It is like the stealth option that most firewalls have. This way, if you try probing some IP at a particular port, the system won't respond, and you (the attacker) will think that the system does not exist. :hap5:

Go through the nmap documentation at

for more information

Also, for information on deciphering the enormous amount of information that an nmap probe produces, n00bs visit


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wow i may be retarded or soemthing but the whle nmap download thing confused me, why isnt it just click click click, click.exe, next>next>next>next>finish :(
he he he..ya that would be easy...but wheres the fun in it ,dont u wanna feel like ur reaching mysterious and intellectual heights of expertise,for something that not too many ppl can understand ;)
@IR.Zero - Well installing nmap in Windows can be quite a pain at times. I've had numerous experiences where the thing just wouldn't work, and then would start working. The easiest way to use it would be from linux. Most full installations of a linux distro come with nmap. It's a wonderful tool, and is worth the pain of installation. :)
well i can run linux from a cd but i have to change the bios to boot from a cd and ive never used linux before

i'll try that out later

ps the linux is knoppix
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