Inverter installation: is it possible to install inverter for a single room in the house?

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I need inverter for my home office room. Power cuts are not long but sometimes are very frequent that causes disturbance while working.

My question to fellow members is that is it possible to install an inverter for just my office room? So that in case of power cut, the inverter provides backup only for my office room.

Here are the load details:

2 x Laptop + Monitor + router = 150 watts peak

TV + speakers = 150 watts peak

PS5 + FAN + 2 led tube lights(25w+20w) =

I also need suggestions for inverter + battery which is enough to provide a 4 hours of backup on full load mentioned above.

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YES, so easy to change wiring. If whole room controls is from one point then that would be even more simple. Like 15-20 mins job. Total load for example 750watts X Number of hours(4) = 3000÷battery voltage(12) = 250 AH(Battery capacity). Since you don't find large tubular battery get 200AH one. I can vouch Amaron for its quality in tubular battery, you may also consider luminous.

Don't get exide.

For Inverter, get something with sinewave copper inverter that comes with ups mode. For example 880VA inverter would bear 550watts load(65% of VA). So get 1400VA inverter that would need only 1 battery. Few models need 2 qty of 12V battery.
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YES, so easy to change wiring. If whole room controls is from one point then that would be even more simple. Like 15-20 mins job
For Inverter, get something with sinewave copper inverter that comes with ups mode. For example 880VA inverter would bear 550watts load(65% of VA). So get 1400VA inverter that would need only 1 battery. Few models need 2 qty of 12V battery
Is it possible to go for a single battery now and add another later (when enough funds collected) with a 1400VA inverter?

Also, any rough idea about the price for a good UPS mode 1400va inverter + 150 ah battery?
I am in slightly different scenario but here is my take, As @maverickreborn mentioned you can easily power single room with an inverter if you have a single MCB for a room then it is just changing couple of wires (I used to do that for my other room). Secondly his claim of bad Exide batteries is spot on, in last 4.5 yrs I've changed 3 of them and now couple of days back my setup is completely dead. (2kv microteck inverter is giving overload warning, One of the Exide battery is dead another is on verge of death) So Yes, please avoid Exide batteries. Now I'll have to buy full setup so called few numbers and one of them offered 34k+gst for Livguard setup (2 tall batteries 150Ah (3yr replacement warranty) + inverter) Another one said 37.5k for Luminus setup (Inverter - 11.5k, 150Ah batteries - 13k each, 200Ah batteries for 15k each). In your case 13k for a single battery + 6~7k for inverter
Is it possible to go for a single battery now and add another later (when enough funds collected) with a 1400VA inverter?
No, Single battery inverters won't work with 2 batteries (12V) similarly 2 battery inverters won't start with a single battery (24V).

Sorry Nitin bhai for highjacking your thread
@maverickreborn What would you suggest in my case? I am also considering Amaron batteries this time and have to make a decision today
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Get only sine wave inverter and the coil should be copper with ups mode.
Two types of inverter system you will find on 1400VA models: one battery system of 12V type (or) two battery system of 24V type(2 qty of 12V battery needed).

Whether you can able to add additional battery with single 12V battery inverter !? - technically possible by connecting them in parallel (NOT RECOMMENDED - you need extra high sqmm copper wires, possibility of short)

Rough idea of pricings and recommendations:

Inverter Brands that you will find in market: Vguard, Exide, Amaron, Microtek(easily available brand that comes with aluminum windings, only very few models comes with copper windings - just caution) 1400VA Copper comes around 7.5 - 8k

Battery: Get Tubular battery from Amaron or Luminous(get only inverfast model, bit pricey)

In 2020 Oct, i get 200AH Amaron for 14K, price of 150AH was 12.5k and now 165AH(best selling variant than 150AH for amaron) itself costing 14.5 - 15k
Final Suggestions:

To Nitin: Get any inverter with 1400VA with copper windings and ups mode + get one 165AH amaron battery. (Considering not long power cuts as you mentioned)

To Kartik: Yes, get Amaron 165AH batteries.
Amaron are still best in business. Tech from Johnson controls with easy free warranty claims (RMA :) ).
So the Liv guard and luminous equally good?

And 6-7k for a 1400va inverter, right?
If both have same price then I would pick Luminous also go with tall tubular batteries only. I have used Luminous single battery + inverter (1650W) for 5yrs and it was an amazing experience. but do check Amaron batteries as my relatives who have a family busibness of transportation mostly prefer Amaron batteries for truck and busses.
And 6-7k for a 1400va inverter, right?
Just checked and these 1400va inverters are in 10k range my brother bought one last year for 6~7k but it was 800W something

Check this video, very good practical experiment
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May be this this is off topic for this thread but since you are buying a new inverter, I just wanted to put a word of caution regarding the AMC.

The vendor who installs the inverter will usually push for an AMC which covers inverter repairs and quarterly maintenance/refills for the battery.
My vendor quoted Rs.2000 for the AMC which is not worth for an inverter which costs Rs.6-7k.
Later he offered just the battery maintenance/refills for Rs.800 annually.
If one can check the water levels regularly and clean the battery yourself, AMC can be skipped.
Check this video, very good practical experiment
I checked for local Amaron dealer in my city.
He quoted 15500/- for 200 Tall tubular battery and 5500/- for 1250 VA inverter. Inverter comes with 9 years warranty.

My question is, are Amaron inverters good? As good as luminous?
150 ah at 500watts will give about 3-4 hours.

I would choose Exide GQP model, its slightly expensive but atm is the only inverter which offers copper transformer.. also you should be able to get the Exide 200 AH battery for about 15000 locally it has a 36+24 warranty and i've seen them last 7-8 years easily.

Model names: Exide GQP 1125VA
Battery: Exide IMTT2000 26+24 warranty

If you cant find the inverter let me know.. i have a relative who has a battery shop, i should be able to get one for you at a decent price.. the battery however cant be shipped so that you'll have to get locally.
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example 880VA inverter would bear 550watts load(65% of VA).
There is contradictory information about this over the Internet, also different manufacturers have different conversion formulas for VA to Wattage conversion.

Luminous eco volt 1050 says 900 VA and 750 watts (~80% ratio)

Amaron HB1250A is 1050 VA and 650 watts (~62% ratio)

Can anyone explain how one can convert from VA to Wattage when talking specifically about inverter capacity?
I checked for local Amaron dealer in my city.
He quoted 15500/- for 200 Tall tubular battery and 5500/- for 1250 VA inverter. Inverter comes with 9 years warranty.

My question is, are Amaron inverters good? As good as luminous?
13,300 for 150Ah Amaron battery here in Lucknow but since they don't have high power inverters I had to buy another company Inverter so finally settled for Livguard 2300+ (1600W output) and 2 batteries with 4yrs replacement warranty. Total cost 38k. (8k deducted for old inverter+batteries)
I haven't heard much about Amaron inverters so i would pick a combo of Livguard or Luminious but please buy both products from same company because last year I had an issue and Microtek technician blamed Exide batteries where as Exide guy would blame Microteck inverter. Eventually its the consumer who has to suffer.
Can anyone explain how one can convert from VA to Wattage when talking specifically about inverter capacity?
I think its about efficiency of each inverter some are rated at 80% where as others can be as high as 95%
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I'll most probably end up with Luminous inverter(ECO volt 1050) with Amaron battery (TT200AH)
Asked this question to Google Bard and this is what he has to say
Q - Luminous inverter (ECO volt 1050) with Amaron battery (TT200AH)
A -
The Luminous ECO Volt 1050 inverter and the Amaron TT200AH battery are a good combination for home use. The inverter has a capacity of 1050VA, which is enough to power most household appliances. The battery has a capacity of 200AH, which will give you enough backup power for several hours during a power outage.

The ECO Volt 1050 inverter is a pure sine wave inverter, which means that it produces a clean and smooth output waveform. This is important for sensitive electronic devices, such as computers and TVs. The inverter also has a number of other features, such as overload protection, low battery cut-off, and over-temperature protection.

The Amaron TT200AH battery is a tubular battery, which means that it has a long lifespan and is very resistant to deep discharge. The battery is also maintenance-free, so you won't have to worry about adding water or acid.

Overall, the Luminous ECO Volt 1050 inverter and the Amaron TT200AH battery are a good choice for home use. They are both reliable and efficient, and they will provide you with peace of mind during a power outage.

Here are some of the benefits of using this combination:

  • Powerful: The 1050VA capacity of the inverter is enough to power most household appliances, such as lights, fans, TVs, and refrigerators.
  • Long-lasting: The 200AH battery has a long lifespan and can provide several hours of backup power during a power outage.
  • Reliable: The inverter and battery are both made by reputable brands and are backed by a warranty.
  • Easy to use: The inverter is easy to install and use, and the battery is maintenance-free.
If you are looking for a reliable and efficient way to power your home during a power outage, then the Luminous ECO Volt 1050 inverter and the Amaron TT200AH battery are a good option.
First of all its just a 900 VA disguised as a 1050 with no exceptional features.

The GQP 1125 VA is infact 1125 VA and has the following over the luminous:

1) Copper transformer.

1) LCD screen like the luminoud zelio variant.. even though not exactly the same functionality since it doesnt show remaining backup.

1) 2 output sockets.

1) MCB switch instead of the traditional fuse which you will need to replace everytime once it goes bad during a tripdown or short circuit type scenario.

Exide also has 42 months warranty on the inverter.

And whats with the obession with amaron? It has the worst warranty support in my region.. since there service is at the dealer end and not the company end. Amarons service executives are not employed by the company directly.. whereas exide employs them themselves.. So incase of rma u deal with the company directly.

I know all this because i've spent half my life selling inverters since the relative i mentioned in my comment above is my dad. :|

Edit: also about the amaron battery being zero maintaince in the comment above.. YEAH no tubular lead acid battery is zero-maintaince wether amaron or not.. nowhere does it say on the box that you dont need to add water throughout lifetime.. you will need to top-up every 6 months or so in all brands.
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Asked this question to Google Bard and this is what he has to say
Q - Luminous inverter (ECO volt 1050) with Amaron battery (TT200AH)
A -
The Luminous ECO Volt 1050 inverter and the Amaron TT200AH battery are a good combination for home use. The inverter has a capacity of 1050VA
Looks like Bard doesn't refer manuals since it's 900VA and not 1050.
Can you try the same question with CHATGPT?
Service depends from region. I am from south which is of tier 3 municipal city. Dedicated company representative from Amaron collects warranty claims from all the dealers in my district who sits at main dealer desk.
To Nitin: i am in the same shoes like you in 2020. After through research and getting inputs from relative who are in automobile business got Amaron inverter + Amaron Battery. There is no HB series back then which they sells directly as 880VA and the other model with 1200VA/1400VA(didn't recollect correctly but require 2 * 12V battery) that's why i bought 880VA.
Comes with copper transformer, MCB of Siemens/Schneider electric made.
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its basically rebranded luminous.. so its okay quality price.. price wise i have no idea.. since i have been working in IT now for atleast a year.
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