Nobody said they sold it. They're in the process of killing it so they can hive it off. While ctrl+c-ing that big table you probably didn't come across the fact that ongc was rated the largest profit making psu in india. And then there was all this news out of the blue that ongc is crashing. As i said, i cant be bothered with explaining this to you or anyone. the information is all archived history. if you can put 2+2 together you will see the bigger picture. don't ask me to explain and rationalize the govt. shady practices to you. ongc is just one example. they're doing it with many other psus. if you can't see it, enjoy your rose coloured outlook.
for a person without pro-govt. blinders, this M.O. would be quite visible and obvious, ffs, they
wanted to empty emptied the RBIs cash reserves, and even their puppet governor put his foot down, to no avail of course.
oh and, the world over, psus don't usually run profitable. for example railways. the govt. runs them for the benefit of it's citizens. sometimes at a loss. that's how tax money works. you don't sell off everything to your cronies saying that it's running a loss. if the private entity is supposed to then run and make a profit off it, why couldn't the govt. do it in the first place? like wasn't that their job?
i'm done talking about this. feel free to carry on by yourself or with someone else.
p.s. you can read this if you want instead of chewing on my brains...
The government laid low the oil and gas explorer by compelling it to bail out the Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation and buy Hindustan Petroleum.
New books by Urijit Patel and Viral Acharya have documented the BJP government's discomfort with the insolvency and bankruptcy code. The real story, however, is how the process was played to save chosen corporates from defaulting.