iPad 1 16GB for 10K... Shall I buy it?

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Need to buy a few things:


2)USB Cable - Not so urgent


Going to apple store tommorrow guys.. Is it good or Croma?
Installed FLipboard, cut the rope free, Angry birds free etc..

Suggest me some more apps and games... Free only please...
I'm confused :S

Doesnt the ad say special price - 19K + 890 (S&H) ?
"Pay Rs.999 now & pay the balance Rs.18,991 later by cheque/cash/card"

How does it come to 10K ??
arvnd said:
I'm confused :S

Doesnt the ad say special price - 19K + 890 (S&H) ?

"Pay Rs.999 now & pay the balance Rs.18,991 later by cheque/cash/card"

How does it come to 10K ??

I havent bought there dude.. I just checked it..

Anyway, I bought it from a friend, who barely used it.. For 10K...
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