I personally feel iPAD is overpriced like anything. Nowadays many ICS tabs are coming out which are very affordable also. Only an apple fanboi would go for an iPad.
I personally feel iPAD is overpriced like anything. Nowadays many ICS tabs are coming out which are very affordable also. Only an apple fanboi would go for an iPad.
That statement makes you an android fanboi, right ?
Finally it boils down to personal preference and what one desires from a tablet. Not everyone wants ICS when they only know Android is some hifi OS (general public).
I for one am least interested in changing to custom ROMs and doing all sorts of things to get the maximum out of the tablet. Add to that the drastic battery life changes which come with each and every ROM.
And if iPad is overpriced then what to say about Transformer prime and all which too are certainly overpriced.
Affordable mostly translates into cheap chinese stuff (except in few cases).
I second raksrules on this.The TF prime was launched at 49999 (&^%*&^
) What were they thinking?
The ipad is not at all overpriced taking into account the GPU,screen resolution and also when compared to the 4S which IS OVERPRICED.
The ipad SGX543MP4 wipes out the Tegra3 and anything on the Android camp.The RAM is also 1 GB (ipad2 has 512) which is absolutely necessary for the high res screen
I personally feel iPAD is overpriced like anything. Nowadays many ICS tabs are coming out which are very affordable also. Only an apple fanboi would go for an iPad.
That's why i said i "personally feel"? I had an iPad for 2 weeks or so, it's very good, I'm not arguing about that, but you guys' seemed to have missed the point! Nevermind.
ipad 3 officially being launched in india on 27th april. prices start from 30500 for 16gb wifi version and can go upto 50900 for the 64gb wifi 4g version.
links from apple india an various other websites confirming the arrival or you can buy now at cheaper rates from olx or quikr