ipad 3 and wireless headphones for mobile

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Suggest: ipad 3 and wireless headphones for mobile

Hey guys..

Two of my colleagues need these two articles, and i am really short of ideas regarding what and where to suggest.
So pls help me out here. Both are open to making their purchase from online stores as well (COD option)

1) Need an ipad 3 [16 GB, Wifi, Black Color] Purchased from apple store - 30k
More interested in a new purchase.. unless anybody is selling for considerable price difference.

2) Noobie colleague needs wireless (bluetooth) headset for listening to songs AND attend calls.
Budget: 4k tops.

1) Kindly do suggest which ll be cheap out of Retail Vs Online
2) Pls do mention the coupon/scope of using one if it exists.

Thanks in advance :)
eBay with coupons will give you a killer deal on the iPad.

As for the wireless Bluetooth headset, I'm in the same boat with the same question. :)

Good luck.
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