iPad too expensive ? go for iPed (!)

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It looks like an iPad, costs 5 times less and runs Android :!



Isn't it so cool to tag anything as EPIC PHAIL? Those words sound so chick.

But boy if you'd have really read the information completely then you would not have said so (unless you really want to sound HIP by using those two words, as I mention before). Intel based hardware and Android OS, and that at near 100$ price tag doesn't sound good to you then I am sure you are looking at a 10$ helicopter that uses air as fuel and that can take you on a world tour in just one tankfull.....

DISCLAIMER: The above comments are based on the assumption that the little info provided in the source link holds some truth.
raksrules said:
Looks like a chinese player. Need to find a friend in China who can buy this for me :P

I think you should ask for re-transfer, on compassionate grounds :ohyeah:
Cheap.. :D

Guys, see the videos, the UI is not at all very responsive :P after all, what things can you expect from $100 iPed or APad whatever it is..
Haha looks really nice! And performs good for the price too. :D

blr_p said:
I think you should ask for re-transfer, on compassionate grounds :ohyeah:

LOL I second that! :ohyeah:
LOL... This thing runs on a 600MHz processor at resolution 800x480 which makes it barely match to a typical low to medium end Android Phone. The only thing good about it is the price which might make a decent PMP if nothing else. But then iPad despite its hardware superiority over this is also just as useful or useless due to the inherent restrictions. Personally I am waiting for Tegra 2 devices like the Notion Ink Adam to hit the market. They are still no replacement for a lappy or Netbook for most people. But its at least of more practical use and flexible than an iPad.
^Precisely that's what it means unless those Chinese guys have something else up their sleeve. :P
i liked the MS courier form factor more . ipad looks delicate and not a very handy device . how do people travel with iPad??

would have loved this if it had a 10" display + good ebook reading software
If any of these clones sell under 5k while also being able to run something equivalent to cdisplay and the backlight is easy on the eyes (as in something like Kindle but with a big hdd) then I'd like one too. And probably a couple for my parents too.
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