iOS iPhone 4 - iOS 7 reviews/Queries - Issue with Music app

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Hello folks,

I had halted my horses to update my phone on iOS 7 as I was skeptical over its performance and jailbreak. Now however jailbreak is out temptation to update to iOS 7 have increased. I want to know first hand experiences of people with iPhone 4 running iOS 7.0.4. Have performance degraded drastically ? Effects on battery life or presence of any other bugs.

In case path to update to newer OS is not much rocky, I want to know how to update this one. Currently I m on iOS 6.1 with jailbreak. I do not want to loose my app-data, like messages of Whatsapp, scores/levels in games, etc. As much have read on net, people who have done clean install of iOS 7 have found it smoother.

My usage on application side is limited to Mails, Whatsapp, surfing and few games like Temple Run 2, Subway Surfer, Candy crush, etc.
From whatever i have read, iOS 7 will not perform well on iPhone 4 and that is the reason i am not updating my wife's iPhone 4. It stays on iOS 5.1.1 with stable jailbreak.
But if you want to still go ahead and since you are jailbroken do this....

1. Update iTunes in your PC to latest version.
2. Backup your iPhone 4 in iTunes manually and ensure that backup is done fine.
3. Download IPSW of iPhone 4 (your model, AT&T global or whatever) and keep on your machine. This is just because the iTunes update which downloads the software if interrupted will not resume but restart. Expect IPSW to be around 1.1 GB
4. Open iTunes (assuming backup is already done), ddo transfer purchases of iPhone to PC. If you downloaded any *ahem* apps then DO NOT expect to get them back immediately after update, so do make a note of this.
5. Shift + RESTORE iPhone (do not do Update) and select the IPSW and let iTunes do its work. If you get error 3194 or something that restore is not possible then check the hosts file and if you find any entry related to, remove that and retry.
6. After restore is done, restore the backup to your iPhone and let it restore your stuff like messages, contacts etc


Did these steps with my 4S and go everything back including messages, whatsapp, contact and even data of the apps.[DOUBLEPOST=1388415407][/DOUBLEPOST]Most importantly, use iFaith in PC and save your iOS 6 SHSH Blobs just in case you want to come back to iOS 6.
From whatever i have read, iOS 7 will not perform well on iPhone 4

Yes I have read same but right now I m having that itch of visual eye candy though I have themed my iOS 6 to appear as iOS 7. Hence in doubt is trade off between performance and loos is worth or not ?
And i am going to theme my iOS 7 phone to look like iOS 6. Seriously hate this all white look of iOS 7. For me it sucks.
2. Backup your iPhone 4 in iTunes manually and ensure that backup is done fine.

I have now saved SHSH Blobs using iFaith. However I would like to know more details on quoted step. Is it not same as generally we do whle connecting/Syncing phone to iTunes ?
I have now saved SHSH Blobs using iFaith. However I would like to know more details on quoted step. Is it not same as generally we do whle connecting/Syncing phone to iTunes ?

It is. But still i would suggest you manually click, "Backup iPhone" (ensure that THIS COMPUTER and not iCloud is selected in that pane). After backup is done, below a text will come... "Last Backup: Today XX:XX Time" something similar. That is when you are 100% sure it is done fine.
This is just my way of knowing that i have done backup properly.
Any need of using iExplorer and save data of apps (Library and Documents folder) ?

How about un-jailbreaking this one, updating to available iOS 7 version and jailbreaking it again ? Will this be safer in terms of app-data ?
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Any need of using iExplorer and save data of apps (Library and Documents folder) ?

How about un-jailbreaking this one, updating to available iOS 7 version and jailbreaking it again ? Will this be safer in terms of app-data ?

You do not need to Un-Jailbreak it. Just restore (not update) to latest iOS verison (7.0.4 as of now) and then jailbreak using evasi0n 7 and then restore your backup (not restore iPhone) and you will have everything back including app data.
I have my contacts synced to google so i was ok with contacts. SMS i saved manually from the iTunes backup (not really needed).
There are few apps which are not getting transferred during 'Transfer Purchases from iPhone'. Those are not *ahem* apps, like Subway Surfer, Temple Run 2, etc. I could even update these apps directly in my phone's App Store when there is update, hence these are not *ahem* for sure. I doubt backup of data of such apps would be taken by iTunes.
Do transfer purchased from iPhone before taking backup, may help.
In iTunes, File -> devices -> Transfer purchases
Now on iOS 7.0.4 on iPhone 4 for almost 4 days. Performance is decent on this - nothing sort of struggling or something. Also many people used to complaint on many points but I did not face them. There is bit lesser smoothness but that is ok for me for the visual change. Battery life is more or less similar. During my last charge usage read as; 'Stand by: 1 Days 11 hours' and 'Usage time: 8 hours 17 minutes'. This includes 1 hour 15-20 minutes of calls, whatsapp for almost 5-6 hours and few games for couple of hours. Phone was on 2G network for almost 10 hours during above charge - rest of the time it stays on WiFi. During night I keep all apps closed in background and phone stays connected on WiFi. The drop was just 3% in 7 hours. It appears that power management have improved in such type of time. Earlier drop used to be 7-8%.
I m facing one strange issue. While playing songs in Music app, it skips few songs in between on its own wish. Later the song which was skipped gets grayed out and there is a red circle with a square in side it, appears on the right side of entry of that song in list.

Any one else facing any such issue ?
I m facing one strange issue. While playing songs in Music app, it skips few songs in between on its own wish. Later the song which was skipped gets grayed out and there is a red circle with a square in side it, appears on the right side of entry of that song in list.

Any one else facing any such issue ?
AFAIK red circle with a square in it indicates downloading (for apps in App Store)...but never seen it for songs...
Bumping this thread. My wife has iPhone 4 and she wants to install iOS 7 on her phone. I need to know how is the performance of iOS 7.1.x on iPhone 4 ?
I know it wasn't great on 7.0.4 but read that it has improved a lot on the later versions like 7.1.1 and such.
Can anyone pitch in ?
It's not great but it is decent and usable. It is true that it feels more snappier than 7.0.4. Battery drop in night is minimal at 2-4% when phone connected on WiFi all the night. However when playing games battery drops at regular pace. All apps, system or third party, when minimised launch instantly but when starting for first time it does take little noticeable time.

Any specific reason to upgrade ? Like I wanted new look/visuals.

Also not to mention as you would surely know, do keep a way to downgrade back. I have kept SHSH blobs of 6.1.4
She wants for new look only.
And yes thanks for reminding me; I will be taking backup of the SHSH Blobs of 5.1.1.
She is not a power user anyways.
Currently downloading the IPSW.
My wife's iPhone 4 has the latest iOS 7 on it. I wasn't even aware till today (I read this thread) that there is an issue if you update. I don't think there is any obvious issue with the phone with the current iOS 7 version.
There is one problem that we face which is probably totally unrelated.
We bought a bluetooth speaker from Bangkok in April for my wife to play music from while she is busy with other things. This was working fine for several weeks. One fine day it suddenly stopped working. The problem is not with the speaker because it works fine with my SGS2.
The iPhone is able to detect bluetooth with the speaker and my phone but we cannot pair it. Anyone heard about this?
I was wondering if it is a software issue then just updating the iOS whenever the new version arrives should fix this?
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