iPhone 4 Reviews

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Lord Nemesis said:
PPI is not at all a marketing gimmick, but unlike a word like "AMOLED" which is a term describing the technology involved, the term "Retina Display" is purely a marketing word. Its like those detergent ad's where you are bombarded with words like "Active Whiteners" and similar junk. What it means simply is that LG has come up with a new high resolution display to complete with Samsung's own displays. Both use different technologies and have different advantages and disadvantages.
For once we agree.
Update on the issues plaguing some of the apple devices:---

Apple Support Says iPhone 4 Yellow Tint Problem Is "Residue From Manufacturing" and should clear up within a couple of days..

For the first time, Apple support technicians have pointed at a manufacturing issue as the origin of the yellow bands and spots that people are finding in their iPhone 4's displays.

"I too have the yellow discoloration on the bottom of my new iphone 4 screen.

I called Apple and they guy told me that it is residue from the manufacturing process and that they rushed the shipments out to hit deadline. He also told me that its just because the residue is not dry fully yet and it should clear up within a couple of days."

Pat Cain

Presumably, this "residue from the manufacturing process" is the adhesive used to bind the glass with the screen


On related news:--

Apple Acknowledges iPhone 4 Reception Issues, Says Don't Hold It Like That

Here's Apple's response to the now officially-acknowledged iPhone 4 antenna reception problems.

They told Engadget, and our own reader Jason:

Gripping any mobile phone will result in some attenuation of its antenna performance, with certain places being worse than others depending on the placement of the antennas. This is a fact of life for every wireless phone. If you ever experience this on your iPhone 4, avoid gripping it in the lower left corner in a way that covers both sides of the black strip in the metal band, or simply use one of many available cases.

The company's suggested fix? Move your hand position, or get a case which covers that part of the phone, thus breaking contact.


I am not surprised with the remarks of apple. on the dropping bars issue.Apple has a habbit of shifting blame onto the customer or calling it a new feature whenever there's a design flaw(ya i know other companies do that too.)Guess i will have to buy a case for the new iphone 4( was planing on buying it anyway but now it seems more a necessity than a strong desire!
Haha. Now Jobs will tell people how to hold a phone. Might as well put up an App Store app for $5 for it.

Next up: Jobs demonstrates the world how to talk on a phone
Jobs revamps phone talking etiquettes
Jobs claims ringtones are an environmental hazard and does away with them in the latest version of iPhone
smoky004 said:
Apple has a habbit of shifting blame onto the customer or calling it a new feature whenever there's a design flaw(ya i know other companies do that too.)
wow.. for a second there, i thought you were lord_nemesis :p
^^ LOL.. It was actually nice to see someone else accept that truth about Apple always shifting blame to others. I have had personal experience of that with Apple on several counts. They don't accept a fault of theirs unless its absolutely and irrefutably proved to them and there is no getting around it for them. Even then there is no surety that you will get an acceptable solution or get a solution at all for your problem. Had to go though a lot of trouble every time I had to contact Apple Developer support to report issues. Don't know any other major company that behaves the same way either. I have had to contact Microsoft Developer support on a few occasions and their stance was always to provide a solution to you in 3 days which they stick to. Usually I would rather not have problems at all, but if I do, its a lot nicer dealing with MS than Apple. Too bad, that I always have had to deal with Apple since their platforms have problems a lot more than MS platforms.
The Phone has issues.

The loss of coverage and reception is a joke. And Apple telling customers to "hold it differently" Hhahahahaha
wr8_utd said:
The loss of coverage and reception is a joke. And Apple telling customers to "hold it differently" Hhahahahaha

Don't bother. iPhone is 'Purrfect'. Saying otherwise is blasphemy. if you have problems, its your own damned fault and it means you are not fit to be enslaved by an iPhone. You should change your habits or incur divine retribution. Uber wise iPhone users are already out defending Steve Jobs reply. Apparently holding a phone the conventional way you have been holding them all these years is the most childish way of holding a phone. So you should get over yourself and start holding the phone by the top part in the most awkward manner or buy that piece of rubber for $29.99 only.
Given how successful the iphone 4 has become, Apple has decided to implement the frame style antennae to macbook pro also. And this time they are warning in advance.

WARNING : Do not connect earphones and USB devices at same time. This will result in loss of wifi and other radio signal loss.

To avoid this, Apple has also decided to sell wireless headphones that work only with Apple macbook and macbook pro. It costs just 199$.
Damn I think the phone should have gone through some stringent quality control checks before the release. This turned out to be hurried! :|
Yep, the "hurried" release has led to yellow screens on some units. =))

Man, I can't help loffing at the idiocy of this entire launch from a company who has set such high standards for design and innovation.

I'd have been totally fine with these goof-ups had it not been for Jobs' reply and attitude towards the whole thing. It's just lame now.

And funny.

Very. :D
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