iPhone 4. Yes you guessed it right, another attempt by Apple to divert attention.

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iPhone 4. Yes you guessed it right, another attempt by Apple to divert attention from its own issues with iPhone 4 antenna.

They made a amazing, magical, revolutionary video!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This time with N97 Mini. (Come On Apple, pull out SGS or Desire )


The only problem is... it didnt drop the connection :P

Fail Much!!!

Note to Apple : I never liked your iPhones, but I liked your iPods, I liked you macbooks (with student discounts ofcourse ;) ) I admired your marketing skills, dont fk it all up with this pissing party you guys are having. Its not even funny anymore.

Update : Another attempt by Apple here : http://www.techenclave.com/mobile-phones/iphone-4-yes-you-guessed-right-171162-2.html#post1552782

On the funnier side.

Its not a joke :P

Pack of 6 for only $4.99. Buy now. Its magical :rofl::rofl:

Link to buy : Antenn-aid for iPhone 4
Apple's really losing rather than gaining in this blame game. A simple admission of fault would have earned the company at least some respect. When large automobile makers can admit fault, why can't Apple? Does it so desperately need to project it's "I am flawless" image?
The real joke in those videos they've uploaded to their account is that their own phones only pick up 3/5 bars. All the other phones tested pick up full signal .....
Apple screwed up, but they are making it worse by dragging in other manufacturers as well.

While we are on the funny side, here a few must watch videos!

logistopath said:
Apple's really losing rather than gaining in this blame game. A simple admission of fault would have earned the company at least some respect. When large automobile makers can admit fault, why can't Apple? Does it so desperately need to project it's "I am flawless" image?
People don't seem to realize it, but that's how Apple deals with issues. At the least that is how my experience has been in the last 6 years whenever I had an important issue to report to Apple. Ignore->Deny->Blame-Deny->Ignore/Rarely Fix is their usual policy. iPhone issues are very visible to a majority of public, so a lot of people are looking at this face of apple for the first time, but when Snow Leopard broke Type1 Font support in their SDK's and made life hell for DTP professionals who made the mistake of upgrading and consequently for developers of DTP and Font management software, That was how apple dealt with the those issues then and it took a hell lot of effort to get them to fix the issues. They would rather have their customer pay millions of dollars again for purchasing the same fonts again in a different format. It was the same on several other counts as well. The only difference is that these issues had limited publicity compared to the iPhone issues. Dealing with MS has always been a nicer experience. First they rarely have issues in their core SDK's and even if you find an issue and report it, they own up to it and give you a solution or workaround in 3 working days (As long as you are a MSDN Subscriber) or otherwise someone at MS is going to get his ass kicked.

Apple knows that they can get away with it in most cases, hence this attitude. Their response to the reception issues was very much predictable as far as I am concerned. They would be considering that even providing a free case is a great favor they are doing customers.
Apple knows that they can get away with it in most cases, hence this attitude. Their response to the reception issues was very much predictable as far as I am concerned. They would be considering that even providing a free case is a great favor they are doing customers.

LOL with 48 billion $ in cash and someone as arrogant as Steve what do you expect :P...they know only how to con customers just by design and rake in huge amount of money !
This has been very uncharacteristic launch right from day 1. I am surprised not many media channels carried piece about problems right during demo by Jobs. Including funny and furious Jobs fiddling with iPhone to get network connevtion, then AT&T failing to get data connection followed by furious jobs telling everyone to shut their laptops and stop using wifi. And skipping facetime call right after Jobs said this almost never fails :P. It was hilarious stuff. I thought more will carry it after this whole antenna debacle came into picture.

Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk
^ Reading the people's reactions on that page does indicate people are loving the fact that someone atleast is sporty enough to accept an issue and offer replacements, unlike the other company. Verizon Wireless even otherwise has a good reputation, else it would not have been able to survive the onslaught of the iPhone inspite of not having any great phones prior to the Droid.
lol, see this.

When jobs asks for suggestion, one guy screams Verizon (right after failed AT&T data connection try :P )


shorter version with commentry :P

Infected said:
Ha Ha Ha Ha....Maybe you can try suing them or something....LOL...
SJ says that there are 570 base stations using Wifi in the room. When all of them can get the network, why the fing hell iphone 4 can't get the network. The iphone 3GS in left hand was working well. Because, SJ was holding iphone the wrong way :)

SJ was saying "I used to watch Star Trek etc. I always dreamed of video call and it's real now" when he was on a video call with Ive.. **** you SJ. That is something that a normal phone had for almost a decade and guess what, it doesn't need a wi-fi connection. Bloody RDF!
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