iPhone 4. Yes you guessed it right, another attempt by Apple to divert attention.

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Well said desibond.

Mighty good RDF Steve jobs has. The 'fanbois' will believe anything. I cant believe no one says anything...

I had a good laugh when I visited a friend of mine and he very excitedly showed me how he could control iTunes on his PC from his iPhone and he was so excited as if it was magical.

I had to bring him back to reality when I told him that I could do it since 4-5 years and that too from my shitty Nokia 6230 on any music player, not just iTunes.

Whenever I have an argument with him about iphone vs Android, he always brings in usability and I have to give that to him -"To each his own"
Yeah I remember watching the video feed of the iPhone 4 launch and was wondering whats the deal with this "Facetime" thingy. I mean c'mon it's been ages since we've seen phones with front facing cameras. I still can't believe what is even tiny little bit MAGICAL about facetime. If I had to do a video chat over wifi then I'd rather do it with my laptop or a tablet. And I dont understand what is up with these Apple guys. Why do they keep using words like magical, unbelievable millions of times. It really is UNBELIEVABLE a man like Steve Jobs doing something so stupid. Yes I do agree iphone 4 would be the sleekest and fanciest gadget to flaunt around, but if we talk about raw functionality and value for money then we've got tons other options. I'd rather get 2 Samsung Waves with that money. And I still can't believe there are so many people out there who are "mesmerised" and are buying these products
Advertisment fail. They should have showed a hand catching the phone in the "death grip" for maximum effect :P
here is more:

Samsung is looking for users on Twitter that were complaining about their iPhone 4 units. Some of those users got a reply back from SamsungUKMobile, saying that they are sorry to hear about those users’ iPhone 4 issues and that if they Direct Message them on Twitter, Samsung would send them a free Galaxy S. Sound too good to be true? Yes. Is it? Nope, it’s true. We have confirmation from one of the people Samsung contacted who was just as skeptical

So after Band-aids, we now have this:


End Call stickers. Get them here: http://www.etsy.com/listing/52058857/iphon-end-call-now-sticker-stops-signal
Apple continues their childish behavior.

Makes a Droid X video.

Meh apple, at least learn to showcase a dropped call. (which they still cant do on any of these phones )

^ the trouble with these videos is they can be doctored by apple without anyone knowing. Knowing the company's behavior till now, they might have chosen the weakest signal spot in the place to make this ad in order to make the phone signal drop to one bar.
Shripad said:
lol, see this.

When jobs asks for suggestion, one guy screams Verizon (right after failed AT&T data connection try :P )


shorter version with commentry :P

lol thats too much !!!! steve asks people to stop using wifi just because i phone can't get network and also tells them to keep their notebooks on floor
^^ if you see, iPhone 3GS has no problems with wifi connectivity, only iPhone 4 ran into issues.

SJ held it wrong :P
Its looks like everyone and their grand mom is trying to capitalize on the Antennagate issue

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