Correct..OPs cousin should show them their own rule book.
Btw is there a link to noob's guide for custom charges ? I may be having several electronic stuff with me when i come (Tablet, digital photo frame etc) and want to be sure and don't want to be ripped off by those greedy customs (incase the need arises).
Also what are the exceptions, upto what amount one can carry duty free (i guess 25K but is the laptop included in this 25K ??)
Never show them their rule book. They have mastered to find the loop holes and charge you.
Links to refer : http://www.thokalath...stom_tariff.php
These links are knowledge based info.
Official Website :
This website says the limit is 25k if age is more than 10 and stay is not less than 3 days.
Good if that is the case since i had plans to get a laptop with me when i return. As of now i have my company provided laptop (which i will carry) and another personal laptop (which my wife will carry), so i guess an additional new laptop (as personal) i can carry right ?
Also say if we have devices like iPhone / iPod Touch/ big screen android phones, then is it wise to carry them all in trouser / shirt pockets so as not to be scanned by customs. Asking this because at least in Mumbai, those custom folks make each and every bag pass through the scanner (even hand bags) when checking out of the airport. So the best way for putting high-end but smaller devices (like iPhone etc) inside the pocket. Will that work ?
One of my friends had an issue where he was carrying an office laptop and another laptop for a colleague. The custom people argued that he should have taken a note from customs while going to US that one of the laptops is a company provided one. My friend was forced to pay customs on the other new laptop. This makes me skeptical of carrying two laptops (one official and one personal).
Keeping aside the laptop scenario,is it wise to keep a bill of each and every electronic stuff that we are carrying just to show them that everything collectively under 25K (i think this is the limit as per Indian Customs)
If you have the Export Certificate of the Company provided laptop (if you carried it from India) then it will get a duty free clearence on return.(This will not be included in your 25k limit.)
So, you can carry one and your wife can carry one.
Regarding keeping devices in pocket , you can escape if you are lucky. Its always better to declare such stuffs as well.
Its wise to carry th purchase invoice, other you know how they calculate the price of the products

PS : These are the infos i collected from a friend long back. I can ask him to join TE and reply on the custom queries.