Would have personally preferred the Lytro camera but the iPhone 5 surely deserves its place for having the the most effect in peoples lives and making smartphone features uncomplicated and easy to use for the average person.
As an Android user I was hoping to see Android take that place but there is still a long way to go for Android to catch up. But with Nexus 4 and google getting into hardware with Motorola, (which I have been saying for the past 2 years) hopefully we will see a quality Android device that people will still remember and care 2 years after its release
As an Android user I was hoping to see Android take that place but there is still a long way to go for Android to catch up. But with Nexus 4 and google getting into hardware with Motorola, (which I have been saying for the past 2 years) hopefully we will see a quality Android device that people will still remember and care 2 years after its release