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:). Really?


My post was not meant as another(Trillionth) Android(Different brands and multiple flavors of OS) vs iphone(Single brand and Single flavor of OS) debate. Its pointless.
Both are developed with very different requirements in mind.

What I wanted to say is, Like it or not iPhone IS the phone to beat. Like iPad for any tablets. It somehow become a "standard". I don't know how that it happened. But it happened.
Now one can make a million argument about how the iphone is inferior. They are all true. They can make another million meme. They all will be funny and true.
But still question comes, why a new flagship phone is compared to an iPhone? Or a any future 2014-2015 flagship going to be compared to iphone6/6plus till the next iPhone comes
out? Clever marketing? Fanbois?

iPhone may be priced 1L with inferior specs to an android flagship priced at 50k. Doesn't matter. It has sort of become a status symbol. The S Class comes into mind.
Buying A8, 7 Series, S Class are similar(I use that word loosely) for someone who knows these cars. But I know for a fact that MANY MANY rich people would prefer
the S due to its very very popular three pointed star. More know the Audi. Less know the Beemer.
Again apples vs orange :). This is same as fortuner story....even though it had very bumby and uncomfortable ride quality... Still it outsells every other similar vehicles :)
Then why are new windows laptops not compared against Macs ?
Or vice versa ?
I just feel phones with completely different OSes shouldn't really be compared and used for benchmarking.
Same OS is completely acceptable.
At the end of the day, its all pointless whether its about benchmarks, comparisons or useless debates about prices. Benchmarks and reviews don't mean jack either for the Apple user base or for that matter to the power users who use Android devices. In terms of functionality, Apple can keep making phones for the next 20 years, but will never match the features and functionality of any modern day android. They don't need to because even if they just put a new version number on the previous years model, the user base will still lap it up. So the fact remains that most power users who really need capable smartphones will keep buying Android devices because they have no other real choice in the market currently and people who want iPhones will keep buying them whether they need them or not.

To be honest, I have already long since accepted the fact that no matter how stupid it is, 95% of the current user base for of Apple will keep buying iPhones and iPads year after year. It doesn't matter if they never had any use for them, it doesn't matter if there is barely anything new over the older model or for that matter any other thing. Mind you there would still be a 5% who do realize the capabilities and limitations and still choose to buy them as an informed decision and I do respect that. But, as for the remaining 95%, I have even seen people getting an iPhone 4 after the iPhone 5s released thinking they got the latest iPhone. Among them, there were folk who even paid the price of the newer iPhone 5s for a older model. Its just how this Eco-system is.

Earlier, I used to think that it was only due to Steve Jobs marketing skills and charisma that he was able to attract and exploit in this manner, but after some time I gradually realized that it has nothing to do with Steve Jobs, Apple brand, the product, its quality or its capabilities and that just about anybody can exploit them with the right approach. Its like their sole reason for existence is to be exploited. What Steve Jobs and Apple had done was to bring them into one group for their own purposes, but that also made it easy for others to exploit them. You can sell them expensive accessories, even useless ones and they will lap it up. As a developer, you can put an app that does absolutely nothing at all and still get sales. You can put a trivial app for free on Play store and still be able to put a price on it for the App Store and make money of it. Google and Facebook can put a price for their free apps on iOS and make money of it. Google can even put a fee for each search from the device and they will be able to make money of the searches.

When I was at a mobile developers conference, one of the speakers (A mobile software architect) was telling us that couple of years back he had submitted a practice sample that he was working on to to App store at $1 price and God know how, but it was accepted. He got about 47 sales on it. He told that as an example of how easily Apple's Eco-system can be used to make money. The only thing stopping people from buying any damn thing put on the store is Apple themselves rejecting it from being put on the store.

Let Apple, the media, the developers, sellers and anybody who else cares, exploit this Eco-system as much as they want, but even better would be to find your own way to exploit. Its like their money was potentially yours from the moment they were born and you just need to figure out your own simple way of getting to it and the best part is that you can do it in a perfectly legit manner.
I agreed what you said is completely true, from the point that Apple is out to make money off you. But one small thing though, isn't your second para applicable for android users too?. Especially for the "power" user as you put? Just looking around in this forum itself makes me thing I am not far from being wrong.

Actually in my eyes, their marketing or the way Apple has projected itself as an "American lifestyle product" cannot be understated. Its huge. Its like what denim jeans or McD was during Cold War to the Communists/Third World countries.Just like what beats by dre is too. Beats by dre is a mediocre bass heavy product. But it commands a premium and its on everybody head. Most best buys I go, I ask them how it sells. They say it sells quite good. Nowadays, I started to see that on people's head in India too. A lot from entertainment Industry.

And also, what sort of App with 1USD did he had 47 sales? I mean 47 people paid 1USD for it. 1 USD is big for an american. Believe me. So It means, 47 people out of millions of iOS users thought that app had some sort of utility.
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