One of my relatives here needs an Iphone purchased from US
He has contacts there to purchase it
Where can we buy Iphone unlocked/locked online at a good price. Can it be easily jailbroken here(in India)
It should be a brand new one
Does Jailbroken Iphones have warranty here
What are the expected prices for Iphone 3G (he doesnt want 3GS)
Pardon for any nooby questions, i have no clue on the iphone scene
One of my relatives here needs an Iphone purchased from US
He has contacts there to purchase it
Where can we buy Iphone unlocked/locked online at a good price. Can it be easily jailbroken here(in India)
It should be a brand new one
Does Jailbroken Iphones have warranty here
What are the expected prices for Iphone 3G (he doesnt want 3GS)
Pardon for any nooby questions, i have no clue on the iphone scene