Iphone from US

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One of my relatives here needs an Iphone purchased from US
He has contacts there to purchase it

Where can we buy Iphone unlocked/locked online at a good price. Can it be easily jailbroken here(in India)
It should be a brand new one
Does Jailbroken Iphones have warranty here
What are the expected prices for Iphone 3G (he doesnt want 3GS)

Pardon for any nooby questions, i have no clue on the iphone scene
I recently (almost!) got myself an iphone 3G 8GB. Although I shelled out 20k for it, I'm pretty sure my friend's contact must have got it way cheaper than that. He got it from the UK though.

The 3G is still on sale in the US. Why don't you ask your contact to walk in to the nearest Apple store and get one with a contract? SHould be around 100 + 40 USD IINM. But I believe he should produce the SSN while doing so whereas the online purchase does not warrant one. Someone correct me if I'm wrong!

Besides, the 3G can be unlocked without a fuss using GeoHotz's hack, whose guides are floating around the WWW. The hack is pretty easy - I did that on my phone myself.

You do not get warranty though! NVM about the warranty so long as you handle the device with care.
Easily done if you have contacts in US who can take some pain. Buy the iPhone ,after a month pay etf and ship it to India, can be unlocked here, there may be a problem with version 3.1.3 until it can be unlocked but all versions till then can be unlocked.

When calculating price remember to add the one month plan costs. A friend recently got a refurbished 3gs 16gb for $300 total. 54 for the phone, 175 etf, and 60-70 for plans charges for 1 month I think.

But he had a friend in New York who did this for him and was coming to India at the right time.
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