iphone or nokia N97 or any other..

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Wait for a couple of weeks till the iphone is released. If they are in the same price range, it is a no contest, the iphone 3GS all the way
NOKIA N97:- Well if u want to go for features than n97 is the one u shud go for as it is fully loaded with every feature that u must have dreamt of for a cell phone but is touchscreen interface is not as responsive as of a iphone and the symbian os does not actually go with the touchscreen interface.

SPECIFICATIONS:- Nokia N97 - Full phone specifications

iPHONE 3GS:- For Iphone i would say if u dont want to many features in ur phone with the best touchscreen interface phone ever made u shud go for it the iphone 3gs.

SPECIFICATIONS:- Apple iPhone 3GS - Full phone specifications

HTC TOUCH DIAMOND 2:- Another option for u can be an HTC touch diamond 2 which is also loaded with features, itz touchscreen and the flow interface is absoultely fantastic than the diamond 1, it also has a dedicated 64mb of graphic memory for the touch flow interface..

SPECIFICATIONS:- HTC Touch Diamond2 - Full phone specifications
vvikas said:

performance...... I PHONE 3GS

How about the Samsung i8910HD. More features than N97 and better performance than iPhone 3G (I am not sure about 3GS although it would be the same case considering that 8910HD has the same CPU/GPU/RAM as iPhone 3GS and runs an OS which has already proven to run fairly well on way less impressive hardware.
Lord Nemesis said:
How about the Samsung i8910HD. More features than N97 and better performance than iPhone 3G (I am not sure about 3GS although it would be the same case considering that 8910HD has the same CPU/GPU/RAM as iPhone 3GS and runs an OS which has already proven to run fairly well on way less impressive hardware.
never used or experienced this category of samsung phone yet so cant say much.;)
even the HTC G1 which is available on Ebay for 24k is a good power packed phone . you can get a 8GB micro SD card under 1.5k. :)
ya the omnia HD is a great phone but im sure it will cost more than 35000, considering the innov8 is like 40000+. Omnia HD has the same OS as n97, slightly modified by Samsung, so most of the n97 apps should work on the HD :) the omina HD is a amazing phone, better than n97 and iphone in my view :)
also check out the HTC Hero if you are ready to wait a while.

Obviously I'd recommend iPhone 3GS as the first choice :D
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