So I went to an Airtel store today evening to get my issue sorted. Long post/ rant incoming. You have been warned.
Bit of background - I have two numbers - the primary that I've given to my work and friends and banks for OTP. The secondary is only with my family. Both the numbers are registered in the name of my dad. Both stopped working over the weekend. I had gotten these more than a decade back (when I was still a minor and didn't have a government ID for getting a new connection). Realizing this, I had gone with my dad along with his Aadhar card to the Airtel Store.
I had already decided that I would only be fixing my primary number - mainly because I've given this to many people and, more importantly, to banks for OTP purposes. For the secondary SIM, I was prepared to give it up and take a Jio connection since it would be easy update the new number with the few people that have it.
Also because **** airtel. This is how companies lose business. They lost one (1/2?) customer today.
Go into the store with dad. I explain the situation. Airtel rep asks me:
Q1) When did it stop working?
A1) Over the weekend, the last SMS I received was sometime late Friday night.
He thinks for a minute.
Q2) Prepaid or Postpaid?
A2) Prepaid.
He thinks for a minute.
Q3) When did you recharge it last?
A3) Last week. (I wanted to tell him that it was a data plan via Amazon Pay, but refrained for giving him any extra information which may confuse him further.)
He thinks for a minute.
Conclusion: There is something wrong with the SIM card. You need to replace it.
Refutation: How did two SIM cards, purchased a couple of years apart (but which were upgraded to 4G SIMs almost simultaneously), on two different devices, develop a flaw within a day or two of each other?
No explanation.
As dad was there with me, I didn't want to argue too much. They filled out a new SIM form. They took dad's aadhar number. Asked him to provide his fingerprint in the machine for verification.
Great. Now the real fun started.
Problem#1 - Their garbage app/ and or the fingerprint reader they use to verify the aadhar credentials and the fingerprints didn't work. I don't know if this a problem with airtel or UIDAI. Dad had to try about 4-5 fingers. Finally, the app they were using managed to detect one of dad's fingerprints.
Problem #2 - For some reason, I don't know why, all our aadhar cards have the details as Mr./ Ms. <dad/mom/me> son daughter of <our respective Mother's name> . Dad, Mom and myself had gotten the cards made at the same center on the same day, one after the other. All our aadhar cards, mine included, have our mother's name. I hadn't even noticed this until today.
Now so far, we've used the aadhar at several instances, mostly at banks, but never had any problem. However, airtel has a problem.
When dad had bought the new connection (pre Aadhar days), he must have supplied a government ID for proof. That was his driving license, which stated that Mr. ABC is the son of <his father's name>. Airtel refused to accept his aadhar card, saying that his details don't match - the 'son of' details don't match because the father name is different from the mother name (duh!).
They asked if we had another ID?
Luckily dad has his DL on him, which contains his father's name. Else he wouldn't have existed as far as airtel is concerned!
So we show them the DL. Now this is supposed to be Digital India. Apps. Connectivity. Paperless Environment. I was waiting for the airtel rep to launch some high-fundo app on his phone to verify the details. I had expected the airtel rep to, at the least, take a photo of the DL.
Instead, and I am seriously not kidding here, he goes to the photocopy shop (which incidentally, happens to be located RIGHT NEXT DOOR) to get a copy of my dad's DL.
Airtel rep then proceeds to fill out a form for a 'SIM Swap', asks me for an alternate contact number (noticing my fuming face, quickly writes down the existing number) and asks my dad to sign on the form, plus a signature on the photocopy of his DL. Luckily he didn't ask for an ink thumb impression...
How long to get the SIM running again?
Tomorrow, late night. /end qoute.
Now I'm waiting for the SIM to activate. If it does. All this happened in Delhi. I am don't even want to think about how people would be handling this if it happened in small town/ villages.
Adding insult to injury, they took Rs. 25 for the new SIM card. Keep it airtel, you're going down soon anyway. Enjoy my contribution to your bottomline.
BTW, in the 20-25 minutes we were there, 2 other customers came and complained that there SIMs weren't working either.
As usual, with Airtel there are no winners... only losers (aka their customers).
Meanwhile, a mini rant on Jio... the only way to get a SIM is to first download their app and provide them with your existing number? WTF is this shit? What if I don't have an existing number?[DOUBLEPOST=1525102721][/DOUBLEPOST]
Do you have a 4G phone but non-4G SIMs? I am getting warning messages from Airtel for the past few months that "to enjoy continued service please upgrade to free 4G SIM within X days"

so far no issues
No, both are the 128k 4G SIMs or whatever you call them. I did have 3G SIM earlier but "upgraded" when airtel launch 4G.