mutant said:psxe
10 chars
=CrAzYG33K= said:But surely it can't do all the titles..
What percentage of titles (for the PS2) can it emulate? And these emulators do depend *a lot* on the underlying hardware, so you'll need a monster rig to run the games flawlessly.
atish said:If you give ur PC config. the I can help ! alternatively do some research work on you tube eg for MKA type " Mortal Kombat armageddon PCSX2 " wath the video for FPS and feasibily the used plugins and PC config. are generally given in the comments
Also you dont need a monster PC the new PCSX2 can run many games on any decent PCeg mine runs MKA @ 30 FPS ingame and gamecube MK Deception
@ 60 FPS on Dolphin emulator![]()
atish said:dude try swiching b/w 3D9 hardware and software its probably due to the onboard gfx cardalternatively u can o/c ur cpu :/