is emulation of ps2 possible

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Rahulrulez said:
If the Emulator is working, I would play God Of War series on PC :D

I just love it :D

need to c d compatibility list on PCSX2 site.....i hv played 2 dragon ball z series wid dis emulator n i got around 40fps...:)
Rahulrulez said:
If the Emulator is working, I would play God Of War series on PC :D

I just love it :D

I played Raw vs smackdown 2006, dbz budokai 3, GOW many others too on this rig(check siggy) and pcsx2 0.9.6+. I get 60fps continuous (using frame limitter it went upto 300)
WingZero said:
^^yes it works. I played Raw vs smackdown 2006, dbz budokai 3, GOW many others too on this rig(check siggy) and pcsx2 0.9.6+. I get 60fps continuous (using frame limitter it went upto 300)

what ws the clock of ur processor wen u got 60 fps constant on above games?

im sure it wasnt 4.2 :P
sato1986 said:
what ws the clock of ur processor wen u got 60 fps constant on above games?

im sure it wasnt 4.2 :P

It was 4ghz. At 3ghz dbz budokai dropped frames to 30's but wen ocd to 4 frames wer 150..wierd:|....i used limitter to 60 constant.
WingZero said:
It was 4ghz. At 3ghz dbz budokai dropped frames to 30's but wen ocd to 4 frames wer 150..wierd:|....i used limitter to 60 constant.

cn u gv me d settings of pcsx2 as m gettn only 40fps wid my gtx 260 wid d cpu in 3ghz..:) a scrrenshot wl b better:D

Do enable multi threaded GS mode in cpu tab.

Note: @3ghz even i got 30fps or so..Game wasnt smooth but at 4ghz it is smooth
dragon_unleash said:
the pcsx2 is still under development and soon we will be able to emulate ps2 all ps2 games at stable framerates....
lol this has been displayed over years now. Its been 7yrs:rofl:
Ok here is another alternative, many PS2 games were also released on game cube for which dolphin is a far more advanced emulator, so wht u do is google up stuff a bit, and download the GC ISO and runn it off dolphin :)
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