CPU/Mobo Is Gigabyte RMA going the Asus way?

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Enclave Plus
I had a Gigabyte GA M61SME S2 ( el cheapo nforce 6100 AMD board) which refused to boot recently.

Sent it for RMA, and got it back after a month ( more actually, board was given to dealer on 28/09.

Its a refurbished board, and the onboard was not working. Now I have to wait another whole month. The dude at the dealer ( have known him for some time now, has promised to call up Accel , and follow up, but I'm a bit disappointed. I had been a long time ASUS fan, and had switched to gigabyte after hearing about the various ASUS issues, and Having my own not so good experience with an M2A VM.

I'll update this thread as the RMA progresses, but has anyone else been facing this issue ?
I would say Accel Frontline is the cause for it? I'm not sure , but when I gave my Seagate HDD they took more than 1 week to return it and my friend who went to give his HDD a week after I gave my HDD , he was told to wait at least 2 weeks or more to get the HDD back.
it's better to approach the service center personally sometimes. Some dealers process the RMA as per their convenience and that just adds up to the delay...

also..most service centers check the display of the board in front of their customer before issuing the return material; which would have been possible in case of personal approach. this step is skipped in case your dealer has been sending products in a lot for rma.
^ 1+ best to give to accel directly , even their manager told me this . also if u just send a mail to gigabyte that helps a lot :P

gigabyte rma works great here , max 7 days , even one giga GTX 280 died few days back , got new one in 7 days . previously my burnt mobo was replaced in a week . though they give refurbished ones in RMA for cheap mobos sometimes .
^ lol the gtx 280 is mine :P cause i was playing fun at my gpu card while i remove the fan and apply thermal paste :P

cause gigabyte cannot give lucky board only same board as nothing else :|
normally gigabyte's service here in Mumbai is good they get the board paraired / replaced ASAP.

I've had several seagate and wd hard drives, out of which seagate are being replaced almost immediately within a weeks time while WD ones goes to delhi and it takes minimum 2-3 weeks for return.

once my WD got stuck for almost 3 weeks on communicating with RT they said that the fresh stock has not arrived from WD and because of that they cannot issue replacements.
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