Is Infy a good place only for freshers?

Just Got placed Today in Infi........Lol...........atleast it's a good place for fresher.....(hOpE So)

Who is the BEST - Infosys, Wipro or TCS?

One day, three consultants, one from Wipro, one from Infosys and one from TCS, went out for a walk.

"Why don`t we prove who is the best among ourselves?"

Why not, said the other two.

The Infosian said "Let`s have a test. Whoever makes this monkey laugh, works for the best firm".

Being a pure logical strategist, the person from TCS tried to make the monkey Laugh by telling jokes. The monkey stayed still.

As a more practical consultant, the Wipro guy tried to make funny gestures... No good, the monkey stayed put...

Now, comes the Infosian. Being the practical guy he was always trained to be, he whispered something into the monkey`s ear, and it burst out laughing at him..

The other two were astonished. So the Wipro guy said "OK, let`s take another test. Let`s make this monkey cry!!"

So there they went again, applying the same methods as before. The TCS guy narrated sad stories, the Wipro guy made sad gestures, and they failed again...

Then, the Infosian again whispered something into the monkey`s ear and oh! It started crying, patting the Infosian`s shoulder!

The other two just could not believe their eyes! So the tcs guy said "OK, you`ve won twice. If you can win just this one, we will bow to you. Let`s make this monkey run".

And he barked at the monkey and ordered him to run. Of course, it stayed where it was.. The Wipro guy, true to his type, pushed and prodded the monkey- still No go. comes Infosian, again, and whispers into the monkey`s ear. The Monkey just takes off! It runs and runs as fast as it can

The other two surrendered.

They Said: "OK, we give up.

You`re the best among us, and you work for the Best firm of the three. But please, please tell us your secret," they begged him.

"Well", said the Infosian , "The first time I made it laugh, I told I work for Infosys . The next time, I told the monkey how much I get paid it started crying.

And then I told that I was here for recruitment !!!
OT: please don't use code, it's hard to scroll back & forth...

Anyway, my sister is joining next month. Let's see, what her story would be?
Thanks for the insights,
I havent got into it, but have interviews planned
though have other offers in hand

Consultant - thats a very respectable designation in my field of work, but didnt realize its viewed so badly at Infy :huh:

uefa_007 said:
Consultant huh ?

I had a call from them abt the same . It was the worst way a co. could call you and treat you.

Hi i am so and so from Infosys , am i speaking with "___". I said "yes" before we start off there are few terms and conditions which u have to agree to :

You have to relocate to bangalore - do u agree ? I said yes.

You will have a contract for 6 months - do u agree ? I said i will have to think abt it . Then he said "We always extend contracts at the end of tenure" ! (Super way to add to confidence)

I said "Ok, i need to think abt it and wanted to know the nature of my role and job description."

He bluntly replied : "if you agree to these terms and conditions then "We will let u know about the same during the interview discussions we have"" :mad:

I was and am still shocked that one of the premier institutes in India call a person with pretty good qualifications and prior work experience and speak this way!

May be i was the exception ! :(
Spectre said:
Thanks greenie, rakrules, fundusanju
Yeah, I am currently a consultant and looking for a similar role and grow to expert/architect level in a couple of years (i like technical)

I think its better to look at my other offers :p

fundusanju - can u brief on what this CRR stuff is, just for info
is it a term of appraisal ratings infy uses

Yes CRR is consolidated Relative Ranking... it used to based on appraisal's only earlier... Now you have compulsory 2 Certifications every year + average working hours over 3 months minimum 9.25 hours, if you satisfy these only then you are eligible for rating 1.

They reduced the number of slots for CRR 1 to half this year, to make sure few people get hikes and promotions.

countrock said:
woah. they expect people to leave their current jobs and join on a 6 month contract, at the end of which you can get kicked! wah!

Also what is this 9:15 / 9:25? dont tell me that is the hrs you have to put in daily?

And if you dont meet the average of 9.25 hours then your leaves will be deducted depending on how many hours you are short of the average.

For a single day minimum number of hours used to be 6.5 hours, but thanks to the rapid attrition they reduced it to 3.5 hours this week.
fundusanju said:
Yes CRR is consolidated Relative Ranking... it used to based on appraisal's only earlier... Now you have compulsory 2 Certifications every year + average working hours over 3 months minimum 9.25 hours, if you satisfy these only then you are eligible for rating 1.

They reduced the number of slots for CRR 1 to half this year, to make sure few people get hikes and promotions.

And if you dont meet the average of 9.25 hours then your leaves will be deducted depending on how many hours you are short of the average.

For a single day minimum number of hours used to be 6.5 hours, but thanks to the rapid attrition they reduced it to 3.5 hours this week.

Wow ! Super Explanation ! I never knew that companies evaluate people this way !
I dont exactly point out any IT company in particular, but unless you shift companies, its difficult to get a hike.
If you dont kiss a$$, you dont get hikes/promotions/onsite, and they'll find a reason to keep it from you (and while doing so, they even give you silly reasons for it!
eg. "not interacting with other project members often" (what if i want to maintain a professional relationship with my colleagues?)
"there was no scope for you in the project" (then why did you place me in the project in the first place??)
"you have less visibility" (should i run around naked?)

and these reasons are not even mentioned in the policies!

aaand recently some senior colleagues had a meeting, that rumours were being spread about attrition rate and told not to discuss it. and they gave the rate as 11% (at the rate i'm getting "Goodbye" mails, i think that % is laughable)

Oh, and outfoscions, try sending a mail to anyone with the subject "Bidding Adieu". the mail doesnt go through!

@Spectre: If by consultant, you mean on an "on contract" basis, please forget Outfy. i personally know 6 people with tremendous knowledge and whose work was excellent, but whose contracts were not renewed.

Its sad to see them spending crores on grass for a cricket pitch, but cant even spend a few thousands to keep talent.

Edit: people seem to be leaving in $hitloads for Cognizant. but even there, a similar picture seems to be present!
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@Outfy,: up until 2 years ago, going onsite used to be much easier i hear..
An onsite salary is enough to keep you happy sometimes even if you dont get a hike. But with onsites being restricted like crazy, i dont know how they'll keep employees happy. :(
Vince said:
At outfosys, if you dont kiss a$$, you dont get hikes/promotions/onsite, and they'll find a reason to keep it from you (and while doing so, they even give you silly reasons for it!
eg. "not interacting with other project members often" (what if i want to maintain a professional relationship with my colleagues?)
"there was no scope for you in the project" (then why did you place me in the project in the first place??)
"you have less visibility" (should i run around naked?)

:hap2: couldnt say it better :rofl: esp the last one :clap:
@Spectre: If by consultant, you mean on an "on contract" basis, please forget Outfy. i personally know 6 people with tremendous knowledge and whose work was excellent, but whose contracts were not renewed.

naa mate, in my field of work (SAP) Consultant is the next level to an analyst. Also meaning u are good enough to stand on your own even as a freelancer/contractor

I am @ permanent position and will also look for the same
fundusanju said:
Yes CRR is consolidated Relative Ranking... it used to based on appraisal's only earlier... Now you have compulsory 2 Certifications every year + average working hours over 3 months minimum 9.25 hours, if you satisfy these only then you are eligible for rating 1.
And if you dont meet the average of 9.25 hours then your leaves will be deducted depending on how many hours you are short of the average.

For a single day minimum number of hours used to be 6.5 hours, but thanks to the rapid attrition they reduced it to 3.5 hours this week.

Whoa close shave!! Was supposed to join there within 20 days, till my current company gave me a raise & Sr Programmer designation.
Wasn't happy hearing Infy's salary structure from the beginning; almost ~8k deduction per mnth:huh:. Variable pay (which was business dependent) every 3 months, some kinda loyalty pay only after completing 1yr. Was for Infy BPO BTW.
They reduced the number of slots for CRR 1 to half this year, to make sure few people get hikes and promotions.
Is the appraisal process so elaborate?

Good thing I stayed here:D

PS - Do all big companies like CTS, TechM, TCS, Wipro etc have such crappy salary structs? Bloated gross CTC & 60-70% in hand. If this is the case, I think companies like Infy are good only for freshers. What good is quoting incentives (variable pay) in gross CTC when the company is not going to pay it :no:
eggman, I've been in that guy's shoes, and its not funny. I was out with a few other IT folks on one of the various team bhp meets. When we were talking, I casually mention that i work for outflowsys. And they were like Wow nice lucky dude. And then when the bill came, they tried to push it onto me, the mr outflowsys-rich guy. And I said i couldnt afford on <xyz> rs per month. They nearly choked on their desserts. They worked for lesser known companies, and earned far more. I didnt have to pay much of the bill :D but that was the first time people took pity on me when they heard my salary :ashamed:

for a fresher, i guess outflowsys is still better, My sis got placed in a outflowsys & accenture, and I'll probably send her to outflowsys, simply because of the training.

Vinchu, I got this from a senior HR's mouth during a candid discussion. outflowsys believes that these buildings and campuses contribute far more to their brand value than competent resources. Non Indian MNC's such as IBM & Accenture already have an international brand value. outflowsys believes the other indian MNC's are below it in the market segment, and compete on value, not quality. So to promote a premium image, they need something. And these buildings are pretty much it. You dont want to start with the floating restaurant story do you :p

To all those claiming that the story is the same everywhere now, thats the point, outflowsys was supposed to be a company that was supposed to be different. A few years ago, what they used to say about intellect and values were really true.Sadly , not any more. People were loyal. Now with the captain and the first mate jumping ship, You expect loyalty from the rats ?
What pay packages do they offer for freshers through campus placements? I know that the package depends on the college/student, but do you have a general idea of the range? Also, what they reveal during placements would be CTC, correct? Realistically, what can a fresher expect to take home per month?
When I joined, you could ping/email the man himself :p But then when they introduced the exit policy for training, and some guy emailed the unethicality of it to him, the names of the head honchos were removed from the address book. I imagine they are going to restrict acess to the DL's as well to stop all these mails
start the damn own co. and create job opportunity for others ... thats why i haven't joined infy in 2005(during

in-campus placement). :)
whatsinaname said:
What pay packages do they offer for freshers through campus placements? I know that the package depends on the college/student, but do you have a general idea of the range? Also, what they reveal during placements would be CTC, correct? Realistically, what can a fresher expect to take home per month?

I guess it's around 3.6 for the 09 batch..