Is it a bird, is it a plane? no. Its a ...


Zune HD! Yes you heard it right folks...

:D. Sorry couldnt do it yest as I had told I would to some of you. But I ran in to some problems. :)

Its very very wow and the picture quality and the interface is to die for!


More pics soon.
Looks sexy ! :D This is what you were talking of yesterday ! Damn ! why couldn't I guess it .. wasn't all that difficult :p.
Is the screen a fingerprint magnet? It looks all smudgy in the pic, although the pic itself is smudgy lol. Congrats Sheru :), Damages?
Darthcoder said:
Is the screen a fingerprint magnet? It looks all smudgy in the pic, although the pic itself is smudgy lol. Congrats Sheru :), Damages?

13k delivered. Yeah, it is a fingerprint magnet like the iPod.Waiting for a proper case. Best thing is that the back has a kinda black matte metal finish. So more scratch proof.The front is glass hence easily cleanable.
Why didn't you get it to the meet :mad:.It would have been the first live show off on TE :p.

Please get it to the next one , the UI looks amazing in the videos ! looks like a killer player :D.
wow talk about a blury pick were you shaking with excitment while you were taking the pic sahre :p

anyways Congo on the purchase is i availlable in india??