Is it a bird or a plane? No It's headless NASSeedboxMan


Sorry for that corny line above :p

This is a small (ok not so small..15" X 15" X 4") box lying in my store-room which has 2 cables going into it .. 1 ethernet and 1 power cable

(drawing just around 30W in total)

so what does this fugly box do?

A) I am in my office currently (away from home) and someone was waxing eloquent about movie X, so what do I do?

I do this:


B) Use it as a NAS server

Running out of space on your primary desktop/laptop or other machines...Have multiple copies of multiple files spread across multiple machines?

Add a couple of 500 Giggers to this baby and map the drives as netowrk drives on the other machines (e.g. s: or z: ) :p

C) Use it as a FTP server

Say I am at a friends place and I need to grab a couple of quick files from my home, so I ftp to my home and grab them :p

Oh well, there could be tonnes of uses for this i guess :)

Why just screenshots you ask?

Ummm, for the pics of the box, well, for now, it looks too fugly, and the lady has graciously agreed to beautify the box using her sense of aesthetics and artistic skills (which I sorely lack :ashamed: )

I'll post pics once that is done :cool2:

Oh, and how do I control it for admin tasks or for running say a batch job of converting multiple videos?

I have webmin for changing settings

Or I can always remote login (SSH for commanbd line or VNC for GUI) into the box from my network

Now for the best part....the total cost, excluding HDDs is sub 5K :bleh:

I guess it'll pay back its cost within a year in electricity bills alone
Built, not bought :p

Runs on a minimal Ubuntu install with Apache/MySql/ProFTPd/Webmin/Torrentflux/x11VNC

now that it is built, and no configuration settings are needed, it runs as a standalone device...

Plug & play...just Switch on and you are ready to go
hmm...can do...

You can always call me up for details if needed...

Makes sense writing a guide if more people are interested

There are still a lot of things that need to be done on this box

GIve me a few days and see how it pans out
VERY nice! I'm assuming that it runs on that Intel D201 combo?

Sadly, no :(

The D201GLY has a major flaw for this particular SATA ports...

And that's a fatal flaw for a setup meant to (also) work as a NAS

THough the D201GLY2 should be out soon which does have SATA ports and that would suiit this perfectly

This setup is running a Celeron 420 :S (single core merom core with 512kb cache and 35W TDP IIRC) on a jetway 945 chipset board with 512MB (though 256 would have been sufficient) RAM

(Thanks a ton Gmano and Saiyanman :) for all the help in getting this)

Total setback was 4.5K for the mobo , RAM and proccy (excl the HDD)

Having said that, the hardware here is overkill for this setup and a setup 50% in terms of processign power would suffice

Let me complete the full setup and then i'll post a guide
Noob question, how you you access it from your office n/w. ?

Port forwarded port 80 from the DSL modem to my router and then on to port 80 of the apache server on the NASSeedboxman :p

So if I type in my external IP address in a broswer anywhere from the web, it will lead me to my apache webserver from where i can access

- the torrentflux interface

- The web Adminsitration console

In addition:

- I can always VNC (remote desktop) to my box but that will obviously be painful and slow

- FTP conncet to my box using any ftp client

Having said that, one of the more important things that remain is setting setup a no-ip service on this box

For today, I know what my external IP address is (as i manually checked it before leaving for work) ...I wouldn't know what it is when the modem reboots say after a power failure (dynamic IP)

A No-ip service maps a dynamic IP to a static URL
not sure mate...

I know for sure that no-ip has a *nix client available so thats what I intend to use

I can perhaps post back my expoerience in a few days
not as yet, but there is no reason why it shouldn't work...either on the home network or from outside

ON a side note, VNC clients are available for Symbian too