Is it a bird or a plane? No It's headless NASSeedboxMan

superczar said:
(Thanks a ton Gmano and Saiyanman :) for all the help in getting this)

Total setback was 4.5K for the mobo , RAM and proccy (excl the HDD)

hey i was with @Saiyan and @gmano too. We had gone to Ritchie Street that day. Good to see that u r doing something innovate with that "cheap" hardware.
montylee said:
hey i was with @Saiyan and @gmano too. We had gone to Ritchie Street that day. Good to see that u r doing something innovate with that "cheap" hardware.

Sorry for de OT.. but why are they @Saiyan and @gmano?? some new title for the TE chennai members?

lol.... @monty

P.s:abhi.. 2nd time im barging into ur thread... sorry :p
it actually might not be a bad idea...

powercuts in chennai are rather infrequent and usually short *knocks on wood*

A 500VA UPS should be able to keep it running for several hours before dying out..

ugh, now I either need to change the placement of the box or run a long wire from the UPS
Nice work superczar! A guide will be most useful :) I may not get a el cheapo d/l rig like you, but would still love to set this thing up on my second rig to check out how a remote controlled torrent client works :)
sTALKEr said:
Sorry for de OT.. but why are they @Saiyan and @gmano?? some new title for the TE chennai members?

lol.... @monty

P.s:abhi.. 2nd time im barging into ur thread... sorry :p

r u talking abt the @ symbol before their names. I think this is normal thread posting etiquette that if u r mentioning somebody's name u have to precede it with a @ symbol.

@ is used when ur referring to someones post :p

for eg...

the way im using it in this post.. its supp to tell the person being referred to.. that the post is in response to his/her post
I may not get a el cheapo d/l rig like you

:jason: It's not a d/l rig...

it's a headless NASSeedboxMan :p

ftp/NAS/torrent being three obvious usages


On a serious note, since the setup is intended to work as a device and not a PC, i really wouldnt call it a rig
ok where you setup up :p
at car of kitchen

why you want you download this stuff and save at you hd backup :S
this box just keeps getting better

I added a anonymizer page to the server...and now I can access blocked sites from behind a proxy (read workplace)

I can ftp to the box to fetch any files from an external location

I can run torrents/download files from an external location

best of all, using ssh, I can gain access to the linux terminal from an external location to create and run any script to do whatever I want (or whatever a PC can do)

I can ssh/telnet or even vnc (albeit slow) to the box from any other pc, symbian phone or iphone

tried on all three device types mentioned above and works like a charm (except VNC which runs slow on gprs...not that i need vnc,,I typically keep the gui disabled anyway and start it only if really needed)

Linux FTW :devil2:
nothing interesting abt the pics...

Porject beautification is still in initiation stage :p

Notice the lack of cables emerging from the setup :p
TheMask said:
LMAO :rofl:
and that pic looks like all that stuff is hanging down the wall :lol:
OT: wb DJ! good to see u back :D

OT1: Masky it is always a pleasure to meet you. you remain sweetly and fondly in my heart & mind always.
please excuse us superczar for going ot in ur thread. but me and masky are like that only:D