Is it possible to install file sharing downloaders on a NAS?

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I am networking newbie and I want to know if I can install file sharing site downloaders like jdownloader,skymonk,cryptload etc on a NAS to use it as a standalone downloader??
Yes, you can, provided it allows you to do so. In this case, am referring to Seagate Go Flex with ArchLinux. #[member='varkey'] can give more help on this.
In that case go for the pogo plug for USB drives and the Seagate go flex net for sata 2.5 drives

#[member='dinjo'] for pogo plug

#[member='varkey'] for go flex
pyLoad takes care of all filehosters but i dont recommend a low power download box if you plan to download from filesharing sites , these work best with torrents,
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