Is mouth ulcer possible due to hot items ?

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Yesterday i went to eat ckicken-chilly, it was quiet hot :(

i had just taken one spoon of it, and damm it burned my right side of mouth above teeth :(

today morning when i opened my mouth to cross check is any damage has happened, i can see some thing like Ulcer which is approx 1.5-2cm long above the teeth :(

Its not paining, but while touching via tongue, i can feel the damage :(

is there any solution to get it corrected soon ? :unsure:
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Assuming yours to be a genuine query, let me say that it is very likely that the hot food item had caused the erosion/ulcer in your mouth. It might pain or you might have burning sensation, but usually it would heal by itself within 3 to 4 days. You can use any mouthwash in addition to maintaining a good oral hygiene, in order to aid the healing process. If you have severe burning sensation or pain, you can use a topical anesthetic ointment like Mucopain to anesthetise the area temporarily.
If you get these ulcers frequently, you must check with a gastroenterologist, do not delay this (if happening rarely, its normal).
Povidone-iodine Alcohol based mouth wash would be very helpful - Wokadine from Workhardt comes to mind.

Sometimes, mouth ulcers can be an indication of high acidity and can be troublesome for overall health later.
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Check with a doc mate if you are concerned, TBH it should go away in 3-5 days, provided you don't aggravate the condition.

TE no way is a medical forum :P
Assuming yours to be a genuine query, let me say that it is very likely that the hot food item had caused the erosion/ulcer in your mouth. It might pain or you might have burning sensation, but usually it would heal by itself within 3 to 4 days. You can use any mouthwash in addition to maintaining a good oral hygiene, in order to aid the healing process. If you have severe burning sensation or pain, you can use a topical anesthetic ointment like Mucopain to anesthetise the area temporarily.

its not at all paining, but when i looked into mirror its looking like serious ulcer, little bit tensed off it :(

@raksrules , no trolling buddy , if you want i can mail you the pics :p , my mom is suggesting to apply honey, will try it today

and this is the first time i am having this type of condition, and once i faced small ulcer something like 4-5 years ago...
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