PC Peripherals Is powersafe 450 Watts enough for the following config plus future upgrade?

I am upgrading my computer to:

1. Athlon64 3000+ (Venice core)
2. Asus A8N-E
3. 512 MB DDR 400(Kingston)
4. Seagate 200 GB SATA
5. BenQ DW-1640
6. XFX Geforce 6600 (256MB DDR)
7. Creative Audigy2 ZS
8. Webcam, Pen Drive, gamepad, floppy drive, cd-rom drive, speaker etc.
9. Three 120mm cabinet fans

I know powersafe 450 watt will be enough for the above configuration but I plan to upgrade intermittently in the next 18 months by

1. Adding an extra Seagate 200/300 GB SATA, DVD-Rom Drive, 512 MB DDR 400 (Kingston)

2. Upgrading to a low-end Directx 10 based pci-e card similar to present day Geforce6600 (Maybe Geforce 8600??)

3. Maybe a graphics cooling fan (if reqd.)

I do not want to have to change the psu till my next major upgrade. So, do u think powersafe 450 watts will be able to handle all the above load in about 18 months time??

Also need advice on thermal paste to apply on cpu under Rs 200/-.

Yeah, second rahul. Your invesment will be protected that way. Regarding thermal compound, deejay had a tube of Arctic Silver 5 for sale a while back. You might want to check with him.
I would say go for a powersafe 500 W PSU. That is more than sufficient for your current rig and will allow for future upgrades. It dosent cost too much either. And as for thermal paste for Rs 200, Dude ur spending 50k on a PC and dont want to spend 600 bucks on AS5? And i would strongly suggest going for 1GB RAM(2 X 512 MB in dual channel config). Dont go for a single 512 MB stick.
well arctic silver 5 costs abt 750 @prime ABGB @lammy, mumbai ...they were out of stock abt 2-3 weeks back....so i had to get AS ceramique..2.5g tube for Rs.350....seems to work fine at least for the time being....idle temp 46-48'c ...on full load ( encoding etc.) 62-63'c....for PSU get powersafe 600W(abt rs.5k) as suggested by rahul & othrs....else u may also consider antec TP 2 500/550W...that's cost abt 6k...
A Vantec Ion2 460W retailing at Rs. 3800 is what you need :) Contact Mr. Nilesh of Apex Enterprises (or Eazy from this forum)

Arctic Silver 5 costs Rs. 650 in India per 3.5 grams.
Thanks for all ur replies but I'll go with hunt3r and go for a powersafe 500 watt psu. Cost Rs 2800 in pune. I'll asked my cousin to get it for me. If I had the cash, I would have gone for an antec 450W.

Is it really necessary to apply arctic thermal paste for an athlon64 cpu? I'll have to ask my cousin to bring it for me cause its not available in my city.
Welll... If you are interested i can give you a Two month old spairingly used Vantec 460 for 3K... Do let me know if interested :)...
Go with Switch's deal, the Vantec Ion2 is a good deal at 3k. And as for AS5 order it from Itdepot for 650 or i think Deejay has some for sale. And AFAIK the powersafe 500 W costs just under 2.5k if u still want to go for that. Check the prices again.
hunt3r, can u get powersafe 500W for under 2.5k in pune? I rang up kunhar peripherals at nucleus mall about 6 days back and the sales person told me that its 2.8k. R u from pune?

Switch, r there any any service centre for the Vantec Ion2 in India and if yes what is the warrenty period for ur model?
Just found out that powersafe 500 watt has a 20pin mobo connector. So can i connect it to Asus A8N-E mobo without any problem? I think the Asus A8N-E mobo requires a 24 pin connector. Plz correct me if I am wrong.
I donno, im not sure abt the price. Dude, read. It says location : Bangalore :p Anyways ask darklord, hes from pune. And yes u can connect a 20 pin PSU to a 24 pin mobo. U can also use a converter to 24 pin if u want.
As others have suggested before go for atleast 1GB(512 x 2) Rams.

450 watts powersafe psu will be enough for the configuration you have posted. Bikeinstein has posted above his psu for sale at a reasonable price, bargain with him a little and you can get it at a more reasonable price.:eek:hyeah: the money saved can be utilised to purchase the extra rams.

ps: The new models of powersafe 500W have 24 pin ATX power connector.

query: kindly post the prices that you are paying for the above configuration. i may have cheaper and better alternatives / solutions .......;)
I will definitely be going for 1 gb RAM but will add the extra 512 after a few months. Thx. for the info on powersafe. I will go 4 it. I will be upgrading as soon as i get the psu and AS5 which i ordered from theitdepot.com; probably around 5th april. I will find out the latest price around 3rd april and let u know.