Is Rakhi Ka Swayamvar a reality ?

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2kewl said:
OMG! Guys actually watching this? How can one possibly sit through 30 mins of Rakhi Sawant :fear::help2:

Correction. Its from 9-10....although close to 30min is taken up by ads.

Its funny... Its not that boring. Try it :P
TO b frank i myself have this rakhis cousin in our society ..same surname sawant....father side related....And believe me...he too is a cheap show off looks to be a gene problem....

Though the program may b entertaining.....even if she marrys after keeping silence for sometime again she will pop-up...asking for divorce......saying i want to act they not allowing me etc etc....So in short it looks to b waste of my time.....but my family watches it......

THough i hate it i prefer doin household chores instead of wasting my time on this pop-up ad..which i call her
rumour has it that there will be a wild card entry where her ex BF will make entry and she will marry him ultimately.
How can you watch her hideous face and bear her stupid voice when you have a choice of destroying your TV incase it gets stuck on the channel broadcasting the show..
Darthcoder said:
After her first marriage she will divorce that guy in a month.
Then next season another swayamvar, so each season will have a new swayamvar till her appetite/libido allows or till the TRP ratings fall like crap, whichever is earlier.

Does that show even have a TRP rating???

Who watches that crap anyway.
Darthcoder said:
After her first marriage she will divorce that guy in a month.
Then next season another swayamvar, so each season will have a new swayamvar till her appetite/libido allows or till the TRP ratings fall like crap, whichever is earlier.

I wouldn't be surprised ! :P
Sei said:
Did anyone catch the news coverage of the 87 year old guy who wants to marry Rakhi? He came along with his 35 year-old son on "News 24" along with a ridiculous set of poems written for Rakhi ( which are going to be published as soon as they find a publisher ) and his son was dancing and singing all those poems written by his "daddy". The guy is some R.K Joshi (IIRC) and is apparently a social activist and has married kids and grandkids.

When asked by the anchor (who was looking really disgusted btw) why he fell for Rakhi, he said that he had read her stand on the gay rights law and was impressed that she had a "sound thinking" when she condemned it. :O

Sei ,

OMG He Might Be Gay What The Hell is Gonna do With Rakhi :rofl:
Bluffmaster said:
^Its entertainment, I guess thats the whole point of watching TV, isn't it? :S

Yeah right!!!! watching mindless -senseless things and then calling it entertainment. :@
Thank god there was not a program on midnight-dog-barking, maybe it would be entertainning for you! :tongue:
debabratad said:
Yeah right!!!! watching mindless -senseless things and then calling it entertainment. :@
Thank god there was not a program on midnight-dog-barking, maybe it would be entertainning for you! :tongue:

I'm awake at this time when even the ticking of the clock is audible in my house and the comment of yours made me laugh alone in this silent night. . .rofl !
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