Is Samsung Galaxy S overpriced @ 27.5k?

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Congrats Dude for the Galaxy S
I have adored this phone like anything...
Hp the prices do come down here in Delhi

Also, waiting for a first hand review ;)
I think its a good deal, the Hardware is top notch. The question I would like to ask is do you feel that your phone should be that poweful after all its just a phone after all. (you is generally anybody not particularly you).

Congrats on the purchase, though she looks really stunning.
yeah, i had the same mindset, but then u start using the phone extensively, u feel its absolutely worth it and you want all phones to be made like this :D
Will post some pics in the evening if possible.
While Samsung Galaxy S is nice and it has been rooted and already Paul from Modaco is working on a custom rom, Samsung's track record is quite bad where Android updates are concerned. They will push Froyo 2.2 but I'm more interested to know if Gingerbread 3.0 Android will be supported or not. Community backing of HTC and Nexus One is quite high so it doesn't matter if HTC pushes updates or not. Also the phone lacks flash which is really stupid and every phone these days has it. There are also reports going around xda-devs that kernel is not using full 512mb Ram and the phone generally lags while opening apps.

I think I wanna wait and watch and see if more chefs are ready to make custom roms for it or not. The phone definitely rocks but considering I like keeping a phone for more than a year and updates are important for me, I would like to wait and watch.
A nice article on iphone 4's display vs Samsung GS's display : - smartphone - iPhone 4 vs. Samsung Galaxy S

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sathyanaidu said:
yeah, i had the same mindset, but then u start using the phone extensively, u feel its absolutely worth it and you want all phones to be made like this :D

Will post some pics in the evening if possible.
one idiot (se fanboy/troll) was arguing on twitter that this phone has the following issues:

1) Gets extremely hot and unusuable when placed next to ear

2) wi-fi turns on and off itself regularly and drains battery

checked on XDA. While few does have wifi issue, only one complained about heat and others were saying that it is quite normal. how is your experience with this phone?
@sathyanaidu: Did you try out the TV-Out by any chance. Looks pretty great even though its SD resolution.

Cool Video !!!

Amazzzzing TV out functionality :D :D

I am dying to get my hands on this gadget !!

Waiting for a FS thread to open up soon in MARKET section .. lol
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